पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/१२८

एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

iśānasivagurudevėpaddhatt इतीदमन्त्येष्टिविधानमीरितं पृथङ नवश्राद्धविधि च षोडशैः । ततः सपिण्डीकरणं तथाष्टका निरूप्य तन्त्रेषु यथोदितं विधिम् ॥ (63) Expiatory ceremonies are enumerated in this section. Once should offer expiation for the omissions and commissions in the course of daily rites and special rites. Based on the seriousness of the lapse, atonement is fixed. This is to ward off evil effects. There are many ways of atonement. Offering of food to gods, Brahmins and others is one of them. (64) Kriyāpāda, third part of the treatise, is concluded with this section. Renovation of the idols, shrines and other structures forms the main topic. Replacement of many items of the shrine becomes necessary when they are dilapidated. When the main idol is broken, burnt or damaged in other ways it is to be thrown away. It has got the position of just a stone once the divinity is transfer- red over to another idol. The main shrine is called Mūlālaya where the original idol is situated. When the sanctum needs renovation the idol is to be shifted to a temporary structure referred to as Bälâlyà. When the idol itself needs replacement, a temporary wooden idol is to be made to which the divine. power is to be transferred. The god is invoked to be present in the wooden form till the original is repaired. यावन्मूलालये लिङ्गं निष्पन्नं स्यात् प्रतिष्ठितम् । तांबद् दारुमये लिङ्गे सान्निध्यं कुरुशङ्कर || Daily worship is to be offered in this temporary shrine and idol. When the original is ready the divinity is transferred back. The types damages causing replacement and repair are enumerated in connection with different types of idols made of diverse materials like jewel, metal, clay, wood etc. The section is concluded with the following stanza : इत्थं धर्माद् विशिष्टाज्जगति तनुभृतां भोगमोक्षोपलब्ध्यं विद्यादेहस्य शम्भोर्वदनस रसिजव्यक्त विश्वागमार्थैः । नित्याद्य कर्मचक्रं सविधिकमखिलं यत्र दृश्यं यथाव- ज्जीर्णोद्धरावसानं सुरगुरु विबुधस्तं क्रिया पादमूचे ॥ 124