पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/६२

एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


EN Tšānaśivagurudevapaddhati

Vilājā, Sakunikā, Suṣkāngi, Jrmbhikā, Añjika, Revati, śilā and Pdākadābajvara. These demonic forces trouble children up to the age of twelve, sixteen or seventeen according to different authorities. A doll made of mud resembling the size and shape of the child affected by the demon is to be made and placed in a plantain leaf. Using particular Mantras Khadgarāvana is to be propitiated to ward off the evil effects from the child

According to a different authority quoted the names of the demonic forces are : Pāpini, Bhīşaņi, Jhanţāli, Kākoli, Simhikā, Phatkāri, Muktakeśī, Dandini, Mahāmabiși and Rodini. These affect the child during the first ten days. Then after every month a particular demon is likely to cause troubles. The sequence of the evil force after every month is as follows: Pütanā, Makujā, Gomukhi, Pingalā, Hamsikā, Pankajā, Šitalā, Yamunā, Kumbhakarņi, Tāpasi, Rākşasi and Capalā. Every year a new evil force may cause trouble. These forces are named in annual sequence as foliows : Yātanā, Rodini, Cațaka, Cañcalā, Dhāvani, Yamunā, Jātayedasī, Kālini, Kala hamsı, Devadūtī, Palitā, Vāyavī, Yakşīņi, Muñjakamukhi, Vānari, Bandhavati and Kumāri.

All these forces are to be propitiated by offering oblations. Various deities are to be invoked to protect the different parts of the child. For instance :

विष्णुस्ते पूर्वतः पात रुद्रो रक्षतु दक्षिणम् । ब्रह्मा त पश्चिमे पायात स्कन्दो रक्षत्वथोत्तरम् ॥ उपरिष्टात तथा सूर्यः पात त्वाधश्च वासुकिः। पायाच्च त्वामधो वत्स शिष्टाः काष्ठा:समीरणः ॥

The various ailments caused by the evil forces during particular stages of childhood are also enumerated in detail.

(42) The section is devoted to Grahaceştā-the symptoms of people seized by evil demonic forces. Eighteen such forces are enumerated. निस्तेजदेवासुरनागायक्षगन्धर्वरभः पितृ हेढ़ भस्माः। योन्युद्भवाः कश्मलकाः प्रलापा विघ्नाः कुशान्त्याश्च पिशाचभूताः।। अष्टादशविघ्नास्त्वेवं ग्रहा गृहह्णन्ति मानवान् ॥