पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१७४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

184 NOTES ON सङ्कचितानि अङ्गानि यासाम्: As the women were clad in Wite robes and as they jostled against one another when at the doorthey are compared to rows of कलहंसऽ issuing from the hole made by bhe arrow of परशराम The हंसऽ are white, परशुराम being jealous of the reputation of कार्तिकेय as having pierced the ौध mountain once sent his arrow through it and made a hole from which Swans are said to issue forbh. Compare मेघदूत ‘हंसद्वारं भृगुपतियशोवर्म यत्क्रौञ्चरन्ध्रम्. Bana alludes to this in another place ‘सकलराजन्यवंशवन दावानलस्य परशुरामस्येवास्य नाराचाः शिखरिशिलातलभिदो वभूवुः (p. 76 of P.). कलहंस--नूपुरै—The instru, is used in the sense of उपलक्षण—with anklets whose sound was as sweet as the cackling of कलहंसऽ and which (anklets) therefore as if gave a reply. पता...श्रवणैः—This instru. also is used in the sense of उपलक्षणे-with ears that were s brightened by ear-ornaments (कर्णपूरः) made of tender leaves that fell down from them and which (ears) therefore appeared as i running to hear the command (of का०). मौक्तिक..वहन्त्यः bearing multitudes of rays issuing from the pearl earrings, as if they were chowries placed upon their shoulders. Chowries are white and the rays from pearl earrings must be white. समाहत..वाह्यमानाः who were driven forward as if forcibly by their earrings that struck their cheeks. 1. 24-26. आशाप्रतीक्षासु who awaited lber commands. Her glances are compared to a garland of इन्दीवर5 (blue lotuses). P. 6. 1. 1. न खलु...ब्रवीमि I do not speak this because would please you, K. e. I speak the truth. त्वामेव..व्यसर्जयत्-Ar comments ‘त्वद्दर्शनमपि मज्जीवितधारणहेतुः, तथापि प्रेषयामीति वाक्यशेषः. ग्रहः persistence. अङ्गस्पृष्टया -अङ्गस्पृष्टानि निवसनाभरणताम्बूलानि तेषां प्रदानेन प्रदर्शितः प्रसादातिशयः यस्याः P. 6 7 5-17इत्यावेद्य..पर्याकुलोऽभवत् इत्यावेद्य having nar rated this to चन्द्रा०. प्रत्यग्रः (नवः) देवीप्रसादातिशयः तेन आहितं प्रागल्भ्यं यस्याः—in whom boldness is engendered by the great favour shown afresh by the princess (काद० ). आपन्नवत्सलायाः affectionate to those that are distressed. I. 8-17 चन्द्रापीडस्तु ..पर्याकुलोऽभवत्- The principal sentence is चन्द्रापीडः..तथा विशप्तः पत्रलेखया, तं च कादम्ब यः...प्रौढमालापमाकर्य, (1, 15.) उत्प्रेक्ष्य..च तन्मुखं--नितरां पर्याकुलोऽभवत्. उपालम्भः गर्भ यथा स्यात्तथा full of taunt or censure. All the accusa- tives from ०पुरः सरं (1. 9.) to प्रौढम् (1. 15.) qualify आलापम् (1. 15)- सपरिहासं full of jokes. सावहेलम् full of disdain or contempt (for herself). सार्तिविशेषं full of special distress. सावष्टम्भं dignified. सात्मार्पणं-which resigned herself (to चन्द्रापीडs mercy). सोत्प्रासम् ironical. सानुक्रोशः full of tenderness. : सावधारणम् emphatic , मधुरमपिदुश्रवम् thought it was sweet (on account of the love it