पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१८६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

146 NOTES ON for your (चन्द्रा०'s) hand (in marriage). Her breasts had रोमात्र which looked liko कण्टक- Her hand was engaged in adjusting her garment on her breasts. The hand naturally came in contact with bhe रोमाञ्चित breasts. The poet represents this as a व्रत for securing चन्द्रापीडs hand. It was believed that for securing worthy husband, the observance of व्रतs on the part of women was necessary. Compare कुमारसंभव V. 2 इयेष सा कर्तुमवन्ध्यरूपतां समाधिमास्थाय तपोभिरात्मनः । अवाप्यते वा कथमन्यथा द्वयं तथाविधं प्रेम पतिश्च तादृशः . वामं..विधुनोति she shakes her left hand the fingers of which have becomo benumbed by the weight of the left cheek and which (hand) was tinged by the ray ef> light of the bri ruby bracelet and which therefore looks as if it were being scorched by the blazing fire of love. She shakes the left hand to remove its numbness. The redness of the land due to the red ruby bracelets is represented as due to the fire of नलिनी...बिभर्ति she has a face the (blue) lotus leaves on the of which are tossed about by the brdeze of bbe fan (made) of lotus leaves and which (face) looks as if its tremulous eyes wer Seeing from fear of constantly falling tears. अजस्रस्रवदश्वभयेन पलायमाने लोललोचने यस्य (वदनम्). नलिनी..विक्षिप्यमाणं कर्णयोः कुवलयदलं यस्य (वदनम्). She was fanned by her frionds with lotus leaves to remove her torment. The bluo lotus petals on her ear look like her eyes (the pupils of which are dark-blue). क्षामता emaciation. न केवलं...रुणद्धिshe holds fast again and again with her tender hand not only her bracelet worn as an auspicious mark for fear of its falling down but also her heart which is in suspense (lit. swing inc). She lays her hand on her hoart to steady its inner burmoil. The poet represents that this is done out of fear that her swinging heart may fall down, just as her bracelets may come of on account of emaciation. दोलायमानं and पतनभयेन am both to be connected with वलयं and हृदयम्, शिशिर...छाम्यति She was distressed by the series of the hands of her friends that droppd down cool drops of water (on her body) which (series of hands) looked as if they (lands) were a garland of grace lotuses placed on her body (to cool her). This shows her great anguish due to love. Even tle cool water and the cool hands of her friends caused more heat, The eight sentences from सा सोढमदनवेदने ’ (1. 2 ) up to परिक्राम्यति ( 1. 16 ) bre closely connected together. They describe her state as she lay on her bed. तथा...धारयति-Each of the accusativus ०कलापं मध्यं &c. is to be connected with धारयति and together with