पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१९८

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

158 NOTES ON contracting on account of the heat that dried up everything being unbearable, as if they were afraid of being spread over the bed (to remove च०'s torment). The natural सङ्कोच of कमलऽ towards the close of the day is represented. as due to their fear of being used on the bed of च०. कुमुदेष्वपि-द्वलत्सु when the night-lotuses were expanding with emulation as if for making ready the bed ( for च० ), lotuses (कुमुदS ) that were very juicy (also affec. tionate) on account of their being pure ( also white ) by nature, The कुमुद were white and juicy or wet. One who is ( of pure heart) is आर्द्र ( affectionate). चक्र.व्याहरत्सु when the चक्रवाक hirdsthat were helpless through separation from their mates, uttered loudly again and again sweet and piteous notes as if for advising him (चन्द्रा० ) to go near का०. चन्द्रमसि---connect this with उदयगिरिशिखरमारूढेसमस्त..पत्रे who is the only umbrella in all the three worlds. आतपत्रम् lit, ‘that which protects from heat. It is the moon alone that cools the world. सुधा...कलशे which is the silvery pot of nectar. The moon and silver are both white. पूर्व..तिलके which is the sandal mark on the forelead of the woman in the form of the eastern quarter. गगन ..हदे the great lake of the beauties of the glorious sky. सुधा...रूढ when the moon) had risen on the rising mountain as if to touch him with his hands (rays ) that were neared with nectar and to spurinkle lim with the water in the form of moonlight, that (water) is the cause of reviving (the spirits ). चन्द्रातप-..विमुच्याङ्गानि throwing his limbs on a slab of moon-stone charming on account of theappearance of bright drops of wnter that were shown at the touch of the moon's rays. चन्द्रातपस्य स्परेन दर्शिताः विशदाः जललवाः तेषां उर्दूदेन हारिणि. चरण...सृतं who approached for shambooing his feet. किमाकलयसि what do you think ? to divert (her thoughts ). मत्परिचय...भ्यर्थनाम् will she ( ०) being. distressed by my acquaintance (e. e. my acquaintance with her having brought her to this plight) act according to their request that she (का० ) should take her meals. तयोः refers to मदलेखा and महाश्वेता. स्मर...सुखम्-read रमेर० for स्मर० which latter is a mis. print.-Her face the corners of wilose nmoubh are smiling, the pupils of which are a little unsteady and the eyes of which are long like those of a terrified fawn. रमेरः सुकोपान्तः यस्य, आलोले तारके यस्य. उस्रस्तहरिणशावकवत् आयते अक्षिणी यस्य इति—marks the olose of चन्द्रापीडs speech. P. 20 l. 19-26. स तु...नापसरति. सः refers to केयूरक, tblhe ttendants of का० that had come to inform चन्द्रापीड of her love