पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२२०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

180 NOTES.ON events that कल्प may be a mistake in the mSS. for कल्य (0, ). dawn दुर्विषह•..घातेनेव In these words the poet assigns four (fanciful) reasons why the moon became pale. दुर्विषह-..घातेनेव as if through anxiety on account of the unbearable separation from night (the moon's beloved), as if through dejection (विषादः) at the approaching (आसन्न ) rise of the sun (the rival of the moon as if through the exhaustion of the brillianco (धामन् ) that was drunk by the masses of कुमुदछ ( night lotuses ) that had uplifted (उत्तानित, or fexpanded') their facts (to drink ज्योत्स्ना ) from the (प्रदोषः), as if through being covered over with the masses (सङ्घातः) of dust raised by the horses resembling the clouds that drank the water of the lake in the form of the whole sky. सर्वं यत् अम्बरम् (नभने) एव सरः तस्य पयः, तत् पिबन्ति इति पयः पायिनः पयोदाः (मेघाः) तेषामिव विभ्रमः (लीला, शोभा ) येषां ते ०विभ्रमाः अश्वः तेभ्यः रजः तस्य संघातः तस्य उपघातेन. The horses gallop very high in space); they therefore look like wandering clouds. The noon was as if covered with the dust raised by the horses of चन्द्रापीड and looked pale. चन्द्रिका (ज्योत्स्ना ) तस्याः आलोके गलति सति. प्रत्यग्र-शुके इव as if it (चन्द्रिकालोक) were like a white upper gatment laid asido (उज्झित by the moon ) through the heat causod by the fresh (प्रत्यग्र) separation of the glorious sky. प्रत्यग्रः या गगनलक्ष्म्याः वियोगः तेन सन्तापः तेन उज्झिते (त्यक्ते ). p. 32 अपर..पहिषु when the rows of stars suddenly disappeared as if they were lines of foam and bubbles on account of the current of the water in the form of moon-light falling on the western अपर) ocean. The moon was on the western horizon and henc its light can be said to be अपर...पातिन्. The stars vanished on account of the approaching dawn. They are represented as vanisling on account of the current of the water of ज्योत्न. The stars look pale and round points and are fancied as if they were foamy bubbles (that are white and rounded). गलदव...आशासु when the quartors (आश) gradually loft of the splondour (अनुभावःof the moonlight that was as bright (गैौर or white) as powdered (दलित ) pearls, as if bhrough being washed by the water of the droppi 5-31-dew (अवश्यायः ). गलितमुक्ता is a misprint for दलितमुक्ताः The ligh the moon disappeared gradually as the dawn broko into dayThe poet fancies that the disappearance was due to the fact of moon light being washed by dew. दलितमुक्ताः इव गौरा ज्योत्स्ना तस्याः अनुभावः तम्. दिशस्तु ककुभः काष्ठा आशाश्च हरितश्च ताः' इत्यमरः. पुनर्वि भाव्य...विटपेषु when the branches of trees and creepers whose naturally dark green colour was again marked seemed as