पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२२३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR 183 स्कन्धावारम्. प्रयाणकमू march, journey. अन्तः...गीर्यमाणम् that (army ):- was as if emited by the nether regions ( रसातलं) being afraid of the inner agitation. If the army had been inside रसातल, it would have caused great agitation in रसातल by their numbers and heavy matching; so the poet fancies that the रसातल sent it up to the earth. Ar, explains ‘पाताले अतिशयेन किमपि केवलं संभूय अन्योन्यं कलहायमानचित्तेन अन्तः क्षोभभीतेन पातालेन तद्वलमुदीर्यते तथा प्रतिभा तीति उत्प्रेक्षा'. असोड..हियमाणम् that (army) was as if tossed about by the earth that could not bear the burden of the nmass of troops (संघतः ); that was as if collected (into a ma5B ) by the quarters whose expanse was not sufficient (to contain them ). असोढः संघातस्य (सैन्यसमूहस्य ) भरः यया. अपर्याप्तं (not enough) प्रमाणे यासाम् One who is pressed under a burden throws it about. For अपर्याप्तं &c. compare + अपर्याप्तराजद्वाराङ्गणैः १ above ( p. 30. 1. 22. text ). The army had so filled all spaces that they seemed to contract upon it and mass it together . I अपरिमाण..पर्यन्तम् that was as if thrown away ( collected together on the earth ) by the sky that was afraid of being blocked (निरोधः ) by the immeasurable dust (raised by the army that as if expanded with the light of the sun the end (पर्यन्त of which could not be seen even by those who strained bheir eyes and cast a distant gaze. न विद्यते परिमाणं यस्य तत् अपरिमाणं (अपरिमितं) रजः तेन निरोधः तस्मात् आशङ्कितेन गीर्वाणाः देवाः ( वर्हिर्मुखाः ऋतुभुजो गीर्वाणा दानवारयः' इत्यमरः) तेषां वर्मना मार्गेण (४. a. गगनेन ). अदृष्टः पर्यन्तः यस्य. If the army had marched bhrough the skyit would have been blocked by dust; so it threw the army as if on the earth. . P..33 ,/अनुजीविनिवेशम् that (army) was as if it were a second noving position of the earth, thab ( army ) was supported by hundreds of thousands.of kings that were dependants (of च० ). अनुजीविनां भूभृतां राशां शतसह त्रेण कृतः अवष्टम्भः यस्य तं स्कन्धावारम्. The word अनुजीविन्.ष्टम्भं applies to मेदिनीसंनिवेश also and then means that was made firm by hun dreds of thousands of mountains ( भूभृत् ) that depended upon (the earth). Formerly the earth was not steadybut was moving; the mountains made her steady. As the army was movingit is said to be सधारिणं द्वितीयं मेदिनीसंनिवेशम्. The army was commanded by that was deep by the entrance nob of a river (but of the ranks of an army) and that therefore seemed as if it were an oighth boundless ocean made up of (human) beings. जलवाहिनी means a river. T; an army. The army was गभीर like the pcean but not with rivers (which fill the ). It was गभीर only with वाहिनी ( an army and not with Oce80