पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२५६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

216 NOTES ON rendering brilliant. अवश्यायलेशैः by particles of dev प्रभञ्जनः wind. बहु श्रुतं यस्य (‘श्रुतं शास्त्रावधूतयोःइत्यमरः) one who is very learned. विवेकिन् one who discriminates (between what is good and bad ). सत्त्ववत् possessed of spirit. दुखातिपातेन विशुद्धमपि मानसं कलुषीक्रियते the mind, though pure, is excited by the occur- reuce (lit. fall) of sorrow. वर्षसलिलेन सर इव as a lake though clear (विशुद्ध) becomes trbid by the showers of rain. दर्शनं per ception, comprehension. न चित्त.विनक्ति the mind does not re- fect, the understanding does not comprehend, nor does the power of discrimination distinguish (between good and चित्त and बुद्धि, seem to be distinguished here. According to Vedantin5, the अन्तकरण is fourfold i. e. discharges four functions, ४i८, मनम् (संकल्पविकल्पात्मक, that which raises various ideas and doubts), बुद्धि ( tbat which setbles ), अहंकार (bhe principle of egoism ) and चित्त ( retentive faculty ). The following verse enumerates the four divisions of अन्तकरण and points out the peculiar function of each. ‘मनो बुद्धिरहंकारश्चित्तं करणमान्तरम् । संशयो निश्चयो गर्वः स्मरणं विपया इमे । येन ब्रवीमि it is on account of this that I speak. अन्य...वेत्ति Besides your honour knows the ways of the world better than I do. इयति लोके in this vast world. इयत् is much. यस्य...क्रान्तम् whose youth passed without any excite ment. यौवनावतारे at the advent of youth. शैशवेनैव...लेह: affection for elders vanishes together with childhood. वयसैव..प्रीतिः sentiment of) love mounts up ( gets ascendancy ) together with age. As the years roll on (on the approach of youth ), so the sentiment of love also occupies the heart, यौवनावतारे S to be connected with each of the clauses in this peragraph. वक्षसैव..वाच्छा as the chest expands in youth, so also the longings (of love ) are on the increase. उपचीयते is increased. मदः in fatuation, ardent passion, pride. दोर्दूयम् = भुजद्वयम्. स्थूलतामापद्यते becomes thick. The intellect becomes thick ४. e. dull in youth (as compared with its suppleness in howhood); bhe arms also become tlick (strong) by exercise, मध्य waist (which becomes slender by exercise ). कार्यं कृशस्य भावः. श्मश्रु...मोह: infatuation (the inability to think properly) which is the cause of sinfulness ( darkness ) makes its appearance together with the heard. In youth the dark beard first appears . आकारः splendid form. Ar. आकारशब्देन वपुषो गाम्भीर्यम्’. विकाराः passions, changes of mind. तद्यथा-it is as follows. Here follow instances of विकार. धवलमपि चक्षुः the eye, though white yet full of राग (redness, passion and though expanding, does not see far. There is apparent