पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३१७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 277 joy. She was glad that when she died, she would be united with her lover. आनन्दात् वाष्पं तस्य वेगः एव ऊर्मिः तया तरलाः सङ्गलत् ..स्यन्दिनी who let down drops of honey in the form of dropping perspiration. संगलन् स्वेद एव मकरन्दः तस्य बिन्दवः तान् निस्यन्दते इति. The स्वेद was due to her emotion. मुकुलायमानं नयनकुमुदं (नयनं कुमुदमिव ) यस्याः whose eyes in the form of कुमुदछ ( night-lotuses ) were closed (bhrough sorrow. मुकुल इव आचरति मुकुलायते. कुमुदिनीव.विधुरा T who was like the कुमुदिनी (night lotus plant) miserable by the setting (अस्तमयः ) of the moon in the form of चन्द्रापीडThe कुमुदिनी has lotus buds it drops honey, it is tossed by waves and winds and chines by its flaments. So the adjectives from ०केसरोद्भासिनी to मुकुला...कुमुदा are to be connected with कुमुदिनी also. Tsays ‘विशेषणं सर्व कुमुदि न्यामपि योज्यम् तदवस्थेऽपि...वक्रभे although her lover was in that state ( e. was dead). सा अवस्था यस्य समागम...भवन्ती--Ar acutely somments शोकोद्धृतानि पुलकसाध्वसकम्पवाष्पोर्मिस्वेदबिन्दुनिष्यन्दनयननिमील नानि समागमसुखेऽपि भवन्ति । अतः कारणाच्छोकावस्थायामपि समागमसुखानु- भवनां दधतीव. सरभसम् hasily or joyfully . ‘रभसो वेगहर्षयोः. उपरि bhat (head ) emitted a mass of flowers from her beautiful hair that was dishevelled over it . उपरि पर्यस्तः चिकुरहस्तः (केशकलापः) तस्मात् उद्वान्तः कुसुमनिवहः (कुसुमसमूहः) येन स्रवत् स्वेद एव अमृतं तेन आद्भ्यां Ar. remarks कुलजत्वात् स्रवता स्वेदेनेवामृतेन आर्दूभ्याम्. उत्क्षिप्य having raised them up. अङ्कन धृतवती she placed them on her lap. उच्छसतः that (body ) revived, that breathed made of know. अव्यक्तरूपं »he form of which was not clearly defined. चन्द्रधवलं white like the moon. It should be remembered that चन्द्रापीड was the moon himself assuming mortal body on account of a curse. अशरीरिणी वाक् a voice without a body ४. e. a heavonly voice . पुनरपि--the heavenly voice had once as- sured her. See notes above (p. 261 ). मल्लोके = चन्द्रलोकेआप्यायमा- नम् growing (from ट्यै I A with था). अविनाशि not perishing & e. not putrefying. इदमपरं—this refers to the ज्योतिः that went up out of चन्द्रापीड's bodyमत्तेजोमयं made up of my lustre. स्वत विनाशि wlich is incapable of decay in its own nature ( as con trasted with the body of पुण्डरीक ). विशेषतः...स्परौनकादम्बरी was descended of a family that sprang from Apsarases that were produced from अमृत. शाप ..विमुक्तमपि though free from the curse. The curse was given by पुण्डरीक as we shall know later on (see text p. 76 1. 20-25 ) and the moon was to undergo two births. When one birth (phat of चन्द्रापीड ) came to an end, the body should also have come to an end. अन्तरात्मना...शरीरम् like the body of a Yogi who has transferred his soul to another 24 8,980