पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३२३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

ADAMBAR. 283 वेतकेतवे-श्वेतकेतु was a great sage who dwelt in heaven. When once he had been to bathe in the मन्दाकिनी, लक्ष्मी saw him and became smitten with.love. Then in the words of Bana, hintself ‘आलोकनमा त्रेण च समासादितसुरतसमागमसुखायास्तस्मिन्नेवासनीकृते पुण्डरीकेकृतार्थतासीत् । तस्माच्च कुमारः समुदपादि । ततस्तमुत्सद्धेनादाय सा ‘भगवन्गृहाण तवायमात्मजः इत्युक्त्वा तस्मै श्चतकेतवे ददौ । असावपि बालजनोचिताः सर्वाः क्रियाः कृत्वा तस्य पुण्डरीकसम्भवतया तदेव पुण्डरीक इति नाम चक्रे" ( p. 144 of P ). अत्र in this case ( २. e. in the calanity of the curse by the moon ). remedy. P. 77 1. 14–p. 78 1, 12 अहं तु विना...अवतारः शोकस्य आवेगेन (violence) अन्धः, गीर्वाणवर्मनि = आकाशे. अतिक्रोः extre nely irritable. अलङ्घयम् I leapt over, sprang upon. भृकुटिविकरालेन terrible on account of the knitting of the brows. मिथ्या गर्वत vainly proud of the power of your austercties. कपि अल could move through the sky only on account of his तपोबल. Being blinded by sorrow, he fell over a celestial being in his career; the celestial being thought that he did so through inso lence. moving about furiously or proudly. अहं = कपिञ्जलःउद्वापं (उद्तं बाष्पं यस्मिन्) पक्ष्म यस्य whose eyelashes were full of tears, उपसंहर withdraw, take back. आशु quickly. एतत्ते करोमि I shall do this much for you. कियन्तमपि कालम् for sometime. at the time of death. लात्वा ...भविष्यसि-When चन्द्रापीड died ye saw that पत्रलेखा ( who was रोहिणी the wife of the moon ) seized इन्द्रायुध and plunged into the lake from which rose कपिछल्. These words (स्नात्वा &c.) supply the reason why पत्रलेखा did so. दिव्येन लोक्य £eeing with your superhuman sight. Ar. says ‘दिव्यदृष्ट्या पुण्डरीक्चन्द्रमसोरुत्पतिं विदित्वा तुरङ्गमत्वेऽपि even when I am reduced to the state of a horse. प्रियवयस्येन with पुण्डरीक ( who was turned into वैशम्पायन bhe friend of चन्द्रापीड whose horse कपिञ्जल became नेहलता affectionate nature ( from नेहल with the afix ता ). अपत्यहेतोः for the sake of progeny. तपस्यतः (geni. sing of pr. p. of तपस्यति denominative verb from तपस्) who is practising penance, सनिदर्शनम् with previous indication (in a dream &¢c ). Arexplain सनिदर्शनं स्वप्तदर्शनपूर्वकम्। राश••शुकनासनाम्नः See p. 65 of Peterson's edition where both तारापीड and शुकनास have dreams answering to the statenment made here. ‘कदाचिद्राजा स्वप्ने...विलासवत्याः ...आनने-..शशिनं प्रविशन्तमद्राक्षीत् । and then शुकनास's alream ‘अद्य खलु मयापि निशि स्वप्ने..दिव्याकृतिना द्विजेन विकचं..पुण्डरीकमुत्सद्धे देव्या मनोरमाया निहितं दृष्टम् महोपकारिणः= परमोपकारिणः. तुरीय अतुरङ्गः तुरङ्गत्वेन सम्पन्नो भवति तुरीभवति-—is indeclinablo past part, संशा my consciousness ( as to who I was originally ). येन on