पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३३१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 29B not vanished. सौष्ठवं elegance. सत्या सा भारती-–this refers to the words of the divine person on p. 15 |. 1–6. संभावयामि I think I fancy. आनन्दनिर्भरा I full of joy. चन्द्रापीडचरणतले निबद्धं (tied, fixed) जीवितं यस्य P. 82 1] 5-26. स तु..ख्यसर्जयत् विस्मयेन उत्फुले (dilated) नयने यस्य अवनितले निवेशितं शिरः येन जानुद्वयेन...स्थित्वा falling on their knees on the ground = e, kneeling on the ground. Ar remarks जानुद्यस्थित्या विशापनं देशाचारविशेषः अस्मानपुण्यवत us who are sinful. दूरं गतस्यापि= परलोकगतस्यापि प्रसन्ने..हारि as char ming as the lustre of the clear orb of the moon. प्रसन्नं इन्दुमण्डलं तस्य श्रुतिः तद्वत् हारि मनोहरम्. The sentence तथैव चेदं चरणयुगलमवभाति पुरेव प्रोत्फुलरक्ततामरसच्छायम्' las been omitted in the text through in advertence. पुरा इव as formerly. प्रोफुलरक्ततामरसस्य इव छाया (कान्तिः) यस्य. ‘छाया सूर्यप्रिया कान्तिः प्रतिबिम्बमनातपः' इत्यमरः . तथैव•••तृदयम् and his (चन्द्रापीडs) heart seems to be eager with the desire of the experience of showing favours (to us ) again as before. They mean that, as his face is smiling like the clear moon and does not show the usual signs of death, it seems that the prince's heart again desires to slower favours upon them (by coming back to life ). Or प्रसाद may mean ‘calmness or serenity of mind' The sentence may also be construed in another way. हृदय refers to the heart of the princes and not to that of चन्द्रापीड as T remarks ‘हृदयं अस्माकमिति शेषः १ The meaning then is Our hearts are eager with the hope of experiencing favours from him as before . e. for his coming back to life). निर्वर्तितः (कृतः) चन्द्रापीडशरीरे पूजासंस्कारः यया. शरीर...करणाय = आहाराय. निर्व- हितं लानं अशनं च येन तस्मिन् refers to राजलोक आत्मनाऽपि by herself also (she ate fruits ). उपजातः दृढतरः प्रत्ययः यस्याःउपजात प्रति whose belief as to the non-decaying of चन्द्रापीडs body became stronge. प्रति governs a noun in the accusative. येन so that (if they are informed ). नान्यथा..-भावयतः they will not bhink that anything is wrong with me. It should be remember ed that कादम्बरी Gent away from her father's house ostensibly for seeing महाश्वेता. Two days had elapsed since then and it was not known how long sle might have to stay there by bhe side of चन्द्रापीडs body. If she did not return soon, her parents might think that she was lost or had grown disobedient etc. Ar remarks ‘इयं भ्रान्ता वा स्वैरचारिणी वेति मां न तर्कयतः एवंविधाम् who is in this strange position (of waiting upon the corpse of her lover whose return is promised). An explains fएवंविधां तदनुशया