पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३३७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADABBAR. 27 Or ere told that चन्द्रापीड's body remains undecayed bhough he is dead and that he is sure to come back to life, they would easily believe the news of his death, but not the other part; and would prepare to die out of grief for their only son. वर्तमाने in the present. प्रयोजनम् use, purpose. प्रत्यागतं (returned) जीवितं यस्य जीवितेश्वरे the lord of ( my) life. प्रकटीभविष्यति —आ समन्तात् प्रकटीभविष्यति विदितो भविष्यति. किं विशापयामः--Ar. explains ‘अस्मिन्नर्थे त्वां किमिति विज्ञापयामः । यथाशप्तं देव्या तथा कुर्म इति विंशापयितुं न शक्रम इत्यर्थः. Tremarks ‘अस्माभिस्तथा क्रियते इति कथं शापयामः इत्यर्थः . द्वाभ्या कथनेन वा le ( तारापीड ) will not come to know of this thing in two ways only, ie. by (our) not going back (to उज्जयिनी) by (our ) not teling him. अस्य वस्तुनः refers to the death of चन्द्रापीडअपरिज्ञानम् absence of knowledge (on the part of तारापीड). संभाव्य प्रेषितानाम् who were sant after being honoured (by therm ). अप्रोपित...पेतमेव not going (to उज्जयिनी ) is impossible for us while we are alive (i, whose life is not gone on a journey ) They mean that as long as life exists in themthey must try to go is impossible for them not to go. This disposes of the first alternative (अगमनम् ) referred to above. दूरमपेतम् दूरापेतम् (४८gone far ) impossible. दयिततम very dear. दुःख-क्षीणि the eyes of which are fooded with tears. दुःखप्लुते अक्षिणी यस्य निर्वि कार...अशक्यमेव it is simply impossible for us to remaim (before them ) with our faces betraying no emotion. This disposes of the second alternative (अकथन. • संस्तुत..भिति (I know ) that is improper for a person who is familiar. She means that it is not proper not to tell the news (about चन्द्रापीड) to per sons who love him. P. 86 गुरूणां...वेक्षमाणया who paid regard to the pain that would be caused to elders (if the truth about चन्द्रापीड were told to them ). She means that she wished to spare them the pain. इतर...भवति even when another calamity ( other than पुत्रमरण ) befalls how lheavy is it felt ? She means think how even ordinary calamities are felt to be very heavy by everybody. किं पुनः..सदृशम् what of this (i. e. how heavy, how stunning will bhis calarity of the death of चन्द्रापीड be ) which is like the fall of a great bhunderbolt. तदेतदपि भवतु therefor ( 2S you are going to tell तारापीड the whole of the news ) let this ad. ditional thing be done. She refers to what she proposes in the next line. श्रद्धेयं वचः यस्य whose words can be relied upon. प्रत्यक्षदृष्टः सकलवृत्तान्तः येन संप्रत्ययाय for inspiring belief (in the account told to तारापीड about चन्द्रा०). राजलोके तु का कथा what need I say about bhe princes (that were in the train of चन्द्रापीड). Ho means that