पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३४८

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

308 OTES ON couquest of the world. परिष्वक्तानि embraced. एताव•••न गतम् this much only of what I had eagerly desired ( desired in hundred longings ) was not fulfilled that I did not go to a penance-grove having placed him, who had taken to himself a wife, in my place. प्रतिष्ठा establishment. अपरमपि moreoverbesides. किं वत्सस्य what happened to our dear son. परिस्फुटम् clearly. अव्यक्तमेव only indistinctly. अस्मत्प्रहितैः sent by us. जीवित..करिष्यामः we shall accept one of the two, life or death (e. e. We shall settle whether to live or die ). परिजनान्तरिते who was screened by the servants. प्रतीहारः (goes with दर्शितवान् ) doorkeeper. आरात् not far (from the king. ‘आराद् दूरसमीपयोः' इत्यमरः महीतले निर्देशित उत्तमाङ्गं (शिरः) येन. ‘उत्तमाङ्गं शिरः शीर्य' इत्यमरः P. 91 1. 18–p.92 1. 14 राजा तु..तावद्देव इति तन्मात्रा by चन्द्रापीडs mother ( विलासवती). अमात्येन = शुकनासेन. प्रतिलेखितवान् sent in reply. गमनतः प्रभृति beginning with चन्द्रापीडs departure from उज्ज यिनी. यथावृत्तम् as it happened. चन्द्रापीडकण्” having listened as far as the incident of Bhe breaking of the heart of च०. अति..विलवः who was distressed by being overwhelmed in the sea of sorrow that was extremely agitated. अतिक्षुभितः शोक एव अर्णयः तेन आक्रान्तिः ( overwhelming, drowning) तेन विक्लवः. करं प्रसार्य stretching his hand as a sign for त्वरितक to stop ). One who is about to be drowned stretches his bands to keep himself above the water by swimming. विरम stop. पूर्णा..दोहृदः my longing to ask questions ( about च०) gratified. निवृत्तं...कौतुकम् my curiosity to hear (what happened to चन्द्रा०) has ceased. कृता-..श्रुतिः my sense of hearing is now blessed. This is said ironically in extreme dejection, the real meaning is as Ar. says 'दग्धा श्रुतिरित्यर्थः आनन्दितम् stands ironic ally for दुःखितम्. उत्पन्ना प्रीतिः ( happiness ) and सुखं स्थितोऽस्मि 5tand for नष्टा प्रीतिः and दुःखातिशये वर्ते. त्वयै...वेदना you alone ( nob we ) have experienced the pain of a brealking heart. vindicated, proved frue. A Bays निर्गुढा पारं गमिता । तन्मरणत्रैवणादस्या पि मरणं जातमितः परं पारं न विद्यते देखभागिनः whose lot is miserable. निन्निशः cruel. कर्मणा चाण्डालः whose actions are wicked like those of चाण्डाल, निर्विकारत्वम् being free from emotion. मरण...भीरवः- this is the reason why प्राणऽ do not follow चन्द्रापीड. शोकेन सह यथा स्यात्तथा (अव्ययीभाव). Ar. explains ‘अनुमरणप्रयलेन विना किं तूष्णीं तिष्ठसि. अयं..लेहस्य this is the time to show your affectio (for me by help ing me in making the preparations for death). Or it may mean ‘This is the time to show our affection (to our sons by dying ) महा..समीपे near the temple of महाकाल. महाकाल is the name of a celebrated shrine of शिव ( one of the 12 ज्योतिर्लिंगs) established