पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३८२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

B42 NOTES ON is bhe बिल्व or अर्जुन tree, कियन्तमपि अध्वानम् some part of the journey. अध्व•••श्रमयतुम् in order to give rest to my limbs that were weak (निसह ) through the fatigue of blhe journey. अवि- च्छिन्ना छाया यस्याः that lad thick (lit, unbroken ) shade. तरोः मूलभागे एव just at the root of the three ४. e. the शाखा had branched of just from the ground. Arc . ‘शाखां तरोर्मुलभागस्थं शखामित्यर्थः अध्व..लभाम्—that canne over me easily on account of the fatigue of the journey. चिरादिव लब्धः प्रबोधः येन who woke up after a rather long time. अनुन्मोचनीयैः तन्तुपाशैः with a noose made of bhreadsfrom which I conld not free myself. Ar‘तन्तुपाशैः तन्तुनिर्मितैः जालपाशैरित्यर्थः . अग्रतश्च...मद्राक्षम्--( p. 108 1. 1–9)-Chhe principal sentence is अग्रतः (in front of me )...पुरुपमद्राक्षम्. पाश पुरुषम्- -This and the following clauses qualify पुरुषम् (1. 8 ). -as if he were the messenger of death destitute of the noose. The messengers of death are supposed to be dark in complexion and to have a noose in their hands to draw out the प्राणं out of the body. Conmpare महाभारत वनपर्व chap. 297 श्यामावदातं रक्ताभं पाशहस्तं भयावहम् । स्थितं सत्यवतः पार्ये निरीक्षन्तं तमेव च ” ( which is a description of यम himself ). अति...निर्मितम् who seemed as if created out of the atoms of iron (कालायसं ) alone on account of the extreme hardness and blackness of his body. All bodies are created from the five भूतs (पृथ्वी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु, and आकाश); but the person seen by the parrot being very dark and tough is fancied to have been created out of iron ( which is black and tough ). प्रेत..परम् who seemed to be another god of death. He looked very dark and fierce and hence is said to be another यम ( who is also dark and fiercesee the verse quoted above from वनपर्व ). प्रेतपतिः-—]. ‘ lord of the departed' ४. e. यम. Compare ‘धर्मराजः पितृपतिः समवर्ती परेतराट् ।' इत्यमरः. प्रति-.राशेः who as was if the enemy of the store of merit. पाप is said to be dark, so पुण्य must be pure or white. He was dark (both in conmplexion and deeds ); hence he is said to be the enemy of पुण्य. आशयमिव पाप्मनः who seemed to be the reservoir of sin. ‘ अस्त्री पकं पुमान् पाप्मा पापं किल्बिषकल्मषम्' इत्यमरः. आशयः abode; reservoir. विनाऽपि जनयन्तम् who as if produced fear in the god of death himself who is terrible to all people, by his face that was very fierce because his brows were knit so as to strike terror without any cause for anger and by his eye the pupil of which was reddish and squint The man had a face that was naturally fierce; his brows were always knit and his eye was red. A man knits his brows when angry; but he naturally had a threatening browआबद्ध Ing