पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/४२७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBARl. 387 to whether some great evil had befallen Kadatabari, Mahas'veta replied in broken accents. "When I heard from Keyuraka that you had left Hema- kuta, I camo back here and practised severer austerities. I saw here a Brahmin youth who was ever gazing at everything about him as if he searched for something lost. When he saw me, a great change came over him and he seemed to recognise me, though I had never seen him before. He address- ed roe with sweet words of love. I, whose heart had renounced all worldly things since Pundarika's death, hurriedly went else- where and charged Taralika to keep him away from me. A few days afterwards, as I lay one night sleepless on my bed, he crept to my side and asked me to yield myself to him. I cursed that wanton youth 'become a parrot' and he fell lifeless on the ground. It was then that I learnt from his weeping attendants that he was your friend." When Mahas'veta finished her tale in silent tears, Chandra- plda's heart broke and he fell dead on the ground. While Maha- s'veta, Taralika and the prince's followers wept over Chandrap!- da's lifeless body, Kadambart attended by Keyuraka and Mada- lekh& and holding Patralekha by the hand, stepped in their midst. When her eyes fell on ChandrapJda's senseless body, she fell forwards on the ground. Patralekha also fainted. After Kadambari came to herself, she ordered Madalekha, to prepare the funeral pyre. After giving directions for the disposal among her friends of her pet flowers and animals, she clasped Mahas'veta and said 'dear friend, you have a hope that enables you to bear torments worse than death. With me it is different; so farewoll.' As she spoke, she sat down and placed Chandra- pida's feet in her lap. At the touch of her hands, there streamed from the body of Chandrapida a great light and immediately a voice in the sky declared "child Mahas'veta, Pundarika's body is incorrupt in my world and awaits the day that will reunite you. Chandrfipida's death is the rosult of a curse. Till the curse is wiped off, guard the body and preserve it with care till that happy meeting." Hearing this all stood motionless like statues. Patralekha roso from her swoon and ran towards Indrayudha, whom she took from his keeper's hand and plunged into the lake with it. No sooner had they disappeared beneath the waters than there