
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

अपरिमितमहाद्भुतविचित्रश्च्युतमलिनः शुचिभिर्महानलद्वयैः।
तरुमृगपतिलक्ष्मणक्षितीन्द्रः समधिगतो जलधिः परं बभासे ॥ ६२ ॥

न भवति सहिम। विना विपतेरवगमयन्निव पश्यत: पयोधिः ।
अविरतमभवत् क्षणे क्षणेऽसौ शिखरिपृथप्रथितप्रशान्तवीचिः ॥ ६३ ॥

मृदुभिरपि बिभेद पुष्पबाणैश्चलशिशिरैरपि मारुतं वै दाह ।
रघुतनयमनर्थपण्डितोऽसौ न च मदनः क्षतमाततान नाऽचः ॥ ६४ ॥

अथ मृदुमलिनप्रभौ दिनान्ते जलधिसमीपगतबतीतलोकौ ।
अनुकृतिमितरेतरस्य - मूल्यंदिनकरराघवनन्दनावकाष्टम् ॥ ६५ ॥

अपहरदिव सर्वतो विनोदान् दयितगतं दधदेकधा समाधिम् ।
घनरुचि ववृधे ततोऽधकारं सह रघुनन्दनमन्मथोवयेन ॥ ६६ ॥

 62. Devoid of dirt, the vast multicoloured ocean shone excellently (when) arrived at by the immeasurably and highly marvellous, pure and unsurpassable lord of the monkeys, Laksmana and King (Rama ).

 63. As if making the onlookers realise (that) greatness is not (there) without calamity, the ocean became incessantly possessed of mountain-like, lofty, broad and steady billows moment after moment,

 64. Cupid, that expert in mischief, with his flower arrows, though (they were) delicate , injured and, with the breezes, though (they were) cool with water, scorched the descendant of Raghu ; (yet) he (Cupid) produced neither a Wound nor a flame.

 65. Then, at the end of the day, (the two), the sun and Raghu's descendant, the lustre of both of whom was soft and dim and who (two) had arrived near the ocean practised an imitation of each other's forms.

 66. Thereafter, as if snatching away diversions (entertain ments) from everywhere, bearing a single-aimed concentration.
