
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

उपेक्षणीयंव परस्य वृद्धिः प्रनष्टनीतेरजितेन्द्रियस्य ।
महावियुक्तस्य विरागहेतुः समूलघातं विनिहन्ति याऽऽन्ते ॥ २७ ॥

जनानुरागेण युतोऽवसाव: फलानुबन्धः सुधियाऽऽत्मनोऽपि ।
उपेक्षणीयोऽयमगम्य सन्ध कामाविषड्वर्गजिताधिपेन ॥ २८ ॥

यदा विगृह्णन् न च सन्दधानो वृद्धि क्षयं चाऽनुगुणं प्रपश्येत् ।
ग्रासीत राजाऽऽवसरप्रतीक्षस्तदा प्रयासं वितथं न कुर्यात् ॥ २९ ॥

सन्धौ स्थितो वा जनयेत् स्ववृद्धि हैन्यात् परं वोपनिषत्प्रयोगैः ।
आश्रावयेबस्य जनं परैर्वा विप्राह्य कुर्याबवहीनसन्धिम् ॥ ३० ॥

सन्वशतस्नेहगुणः स्वशब्रून् विद्वेषयन् मण्डलमस्य भिन्द्यात् ।
इत्येवमादि प्रविधाय सन्धिबृद्धे विधेयोऽधिरामाभ्युपायः ॥ ३१ ॥

 27. Of an enemy who has lost his morals, has not subdued his senses and is possessed of vanity and other (vices), prosperity which is the cause of disaffection and is therefore, destructive in the end, even as to cause annihilation along with the roots, ought certainly to be disregarded.

 28 . By a king whose understanding is good and who has subdued the group of six defects, such as desire and others, ought, after having contracted a treaty, to be disregarded even one's decline which is accompanied by the affection of the people and has fruit as its result (or aim).

 29. And when a warring king who seeks peace, does not perceive commensurate gain or loss, then, he should keep waiting for a ( suitable ) opportunity ( and ) should not undertake vain efforts.

 30. Abiding by peace (terms) he should either produce his own gain, or kill the enemy by use of secret actions, or allure away his people or make him discard peace, after setting him at war with others.

 31. ‘Causing his enemies to hate (one another), he who has exhibited the quality of love, should break up his