
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

110 P. 260. L. 13-16 (Verse 59). It empties some, fills others to the brim, raises some and throws down others or perplexes them: thus does this (Omnipotent Fate) engaged in the maxim of the - buckets attached to the water-wheel and pointing out the world- ly existence to be a combination of diversified opposites, sport with human beings.--[तुच्छय] Deno. to make empty or poor.--- [प्रतिपक्षसंहति]-प्रतिपक्षाणां विरोधिना उन्नत्यवनतिप्रभृतीनां संहति--which is a mixture of objects diametrically opposed to each other.---[लोकास्थितिः Conduct of the world, worldly existence, subsistence of the world.--[कृपयन्त्र०] A popular maxim taking its origin from the fact that while some of the buckets filled with water go up, some are emptied of their contents, while others go down quite empvy. This maxim is used to denote the various vicissitudes of worldly existence. Metre शार्दूलविक्रीउित, दीपकालङ्कारःकारकस्य विधिरूपस्य बह्वीपु क्रियासु तुच्छयतिप्रभृतिषु सकृद्वत्तित्वात्. The verse occurs in the सुभाषित- रनभाण्डागार. P.260. L. 18--21 (Verse 60). Let the kine abound in and yield milk and the soil be fertile. May the cloud send down timely showers and balmy winds sooth and gladden the hearty of all mankind. May every creature be glad and rejoice, the pious Brahmans be constantly revered and honoured. May the prosper- ous and just monarehs destroy their foes (lit. whose enemies are passified and humbled down) and govern the universe (in bliss). क्षीरिण्यः]-दुग्धवत्यः-yielding milk.--[वमुमती] Marth. वसु-धनमस्त्यस्यां "तदस्यास्त्यस्मिन्निति मतुप्" ५।२।९४ मतुप-[सम्य] Crop, curn produce. पस पास्ति, म्व-~'माधाससिसुभ्यो यः' उणा. ४।१०९. Also spelt शस्य, in this case the etymology would be शसु हिंसाया-~-शस्यते "तकिशसितिति जनिभ्यो यद्वक्तव्यः" Siddhanta Kaumudi p. 291, Nirlayat-lition.--पजन्यः] God of rain. "पर्जन्यः" उणा० ३.१०३ इति साधुः. पर्पति सिञ्चति इति, “पर्जन्यो मेघशब्देऽपि ध्वनदम्बुदशक्रयो।" इति विश्वः.-[जन्मभाज: जन्मिनः प्राणिन:---- creatures.- [सन्तः] Pious, virtuous, CE,-'ने सन्तः श्रीतुमर्हन्ति सदसवय- क्तिहेतवः'-Raghu. I. 10.-[ब्राह्मणः]---(1) ब्रह्मणोऽपय तस्यापत्य ४।१।९२ इत्यण "अन्".-६१४४१६७ इति टिलोपोन. (२) ब्रह्म अधीते । तदधीत तद्वद ४५८ इत्यणू वा ॥. (३) ब्रह्म जानाति ब्राह्मणः “शेषे" ४१२१९२ इत्यण या..-[रिष: Poe. रपति दोप-- रपेरिच्चोपधायाः' उणा. १२२६ इति कु..--[श्री.] ----श्रयति श्रीयते वा- wealth, prosperity. कि बचि० उणा २१५७ इति साधुः. स्त्रग्धरा metre. P.260. L.22. [इति निष्क्रान्ताः सवें] Exeunt omnes,