
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

( 63 ) cvolve themselves so as to make the body of man that takes in them has been already explained. What is now specially to be noted is that in tle reverse process food loses itself in water and water loses itself in heat and so on. Now our bcdy as an effcct must have a cause. Vithout a cause it could nct have come into existance, and what could be the cause ? The ready and clear answer is 'food. Let us take food in its wider sense, the original earth, as in the previous statement relating to the creation of the earth : ‘That water sawI shall become many. I shall be born, It created focd'. Earth also is an effect and nlust have a cause in which it would merge when the time of its cne comes, On the anology of fool we take, which, when desolved becomes huid, we may in fer that water is the cause o£ earth. Si nilarly we have to infer that the cause of water is fire. Since fro could not have come into existance out of nothing, it must have its cause in Sat, The Existant. Thus, Uddalaka declares, ‘Sat is the origin. Sat is the sup port and abode and Sat is the ultimate place of merger of all these born sculs. The idea is that since everything in the world has sprung from Sat and mer ges in it at the end, it is the material cause of all crea tions.And since the effects of a material cause rest only on it, It is the support, container, abode of all of them. Sat being the material cause of all born soulsit is the ultimate bearer aud the resting place of them during their wakeful state, though they remain within their ';