
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

( 66 ) 39 gence and wisdom and learning, it is all due to His. grace. But for Him you would be nothing, you would have nothing, you would have been able to do nothing. Realise this great truth and be humble and courteous and respectful to your elders and not proud, indiffe ront and misbehaving as you had been hither-to-fore. You are to Flim what your body is to you. You are not your own master . He is your master. You st.ould serve Him and not your ownself. here could be no doubt that Svetaketu understood his father's words quite gvell and introspected ; I am proud of having achieved this and that. By saying *you are Sat father tells me and wants me to realise that for all that which I think I have done Sat is responsible. Sat is the independent agent. I am only an instre ment in its hand. If I boast of any thing which I have done it will befather intends to tell melike the boast ing of the brush used by an artist in drawing a hine picture.' It may be noted that the teaching of the great phi losophical truth is done here as the means of removing Svetaketu's pride just as it is done in the Gita, for removing Arjuna's grief caused by thoughts of the prospect of the terrible bloody war. Sadvidya proper is now over. Since however Sveta ketu had certain doubts and wanted them to be cleared, he asked his father to teach him further, and le clears his doubts. So the chapter continues. It was said that during sleep jivas go to Sat and rest on It. If so how is it that iivas do not know that they rest on It? The answer is that as soon as the