पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२५८

एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Bhatta Naraya-Venissamhara

my estimation. But yourself, (0 Bhima) who have such a passion for adventure are welcome (as an adversary) to fight with, though otherwise So unwelcome.

 परस्पर......स्ङ्ग्रामौ--परस्परयोः क्रोधेने यः आधिक्षेपः तत्प्रचुर परुषः वाक्क्लहः, तेन प्रस्ताविनः घोरसड़ग्रामः याभ्यां तथाविधौ. Having commenced a deadly fight after a harsh altercation, in the course of which they angrily hurled many taunts at each other.

 विचित्रभ्रमभ्रमित......दण्डौ–विचित्रेण विभ्रमेण भ्रमिता या गदा तया परिभासुरी भुजदण्डौं तथाभूतौ. With their club-like anus set off by the mace as it was whirled round in all amazing fashion.

 मण्डलैर्विचरितुम is in substance the same as मण्डलानि विरचयितुम् in Act IV, for which vide P 57.

 अपर्युषितप्रतिज्ञे-नास्ति पर्युषिता प्रतिज्ञा यस्य तथाभूते ( मारुतौ,, i.e. भीमे ). a. Locative Absolute phrase प्रनष्टे कौरवराजे is another Locative Absolute.

 महानासिन्नो विषादः-very heavy was par anxiety or uneasiness.

 निष्कपटकीभूतम्-Past part. of भू with the चिंब form from निष्कण्टक which is a Bahuvrihi compound and an adjective. ‘Cleared or rid of thorns .e. enemies."

 निष्कपटकीभूतं भुवनतलं परिकलयतु भवान्-Sir, you may count upon the earth being cleared of thorns (i.e. rid of enemies) : you may take it that the earth is cleared of thorns. अभ्युदयोचिताः समारम्भाः —Ceremonies of festivity appro- priate to (the accession of) high fortune or glory.

 प्रचन्ताम्-Impera... 3rd plu. of pass. प्रवर्तय caus. of प्रवृत्. Let there: be Commenced ceremonies etc. Let there be held ceremonies etc.

 St. 12 ते राज्याभिषेकाय रत्नकलशाः सलिलेन पूर्यन्ताम् । अत्यन्त चिरोज्झिते कबरीबन्धे च कृष्णा क्षणं करोतु । शातकुठार भासुरकरे क्षत्रद्रमोदछदिन रामें क्रोधान्धे च वृकोदरे आजौ परिपतात संशयः कुतः ।

 रत्नकलशाः –रनखचिताः कलशाः Pitchers set with Precious stones.

 अत्यन्तचिरोज्झिते-अत्यन्तचिरं उज्झिते. Left off or omitted for too long a time.

 क्षणं करोतु-(1) Let her find leisure for or prepare herself for; (2) or if we talke the word क्षण in the sense of 'rejoicing, or 'festivity, then the phrase may mean Let her indulge in the pleasure of. But the first interpretation is better, because her hair was to be braided ript by herself but by Bhima and so the