
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्याये तृतीयः पादः

सर्वविकाराधारतया निर्दिष्ट आकाशः कस्मिन्नोतश्च प्रोतश्चेति पृष्टे 'एतद्वै तदक्षरम्' इति निर्दिष्टस्याक्षरस्य वायुमदम्बरान्तधृतेः | सर्वविकाराधारो ह्ययमाकाशो वायुमदम्बरान्तकारणं प्रधानम् | तद्धारकं परं ब्रह्म ॥

सा च प्रशासनात् ॥१०॥

सा च धृतिः 'एतस्य वाक्षरस्य प्रशासने गार्गि' इत्यादिना प्रकृष्टाज्ञया क्रियमाणा श्रृयते | अत इदमक्षरं प्रत्यगात्मा च न भवतीत्यर्थः ॥

Akasa as the support of all changable things. It is again questioned 'In whom is this Akas'a woven crosswise and lengthwise? ' (Brh. 3-8-7). In answering the above question the text 'This is the Indestructible (Aksara) , (Brh. 3-8-8) says that the Aksara is the support of that which is the end of Ambara (ether) contained with wind. The purport of the whole topic is this. The Akas'a which is said to be the support of all changable things is identical with the Pradhana or Avyakta, the primitive cause and merging place of Ambara (the ether) pregnant with wind. The Aksara (Indestructible one) which is said to be the support of the Pradhana is the Supreme Brahman.

10.Sa ca prasasanat

And this (supporting springs) from command.

Such kind of support is said to have sprung from the supreme command, in the text, ' Oh ! Gargi In the supreme command of the Indestructible,etc.' (Brh. 3-8-9). Hence this Indestructible cannot be the individual self as well,