
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

अधिष्ठानानुपपत्तेश्च ॥ ३६ ॥

अनुमेयेश्वराभ्युपगमेन हि ^केवलाघेिष्ठातृत्वमुच्यते | ^^तच्च न संभवति, तथासत्यशरीरस्य प्रधानाधिष्ठानानुपपत्तेः, सशरीरत्वे तु ^^^ ^^^^^तच्छरीरोत्पत्त्यनिरूपणात्; सावयवस्य तस्य नित्यत्वे ^^^^^महीमद्दी धरादीनामपि नित्यत्वाविरोघाच्च ॥

करणवचेन्न, भोगादिभ्यः ॥ ३७ ॥

deviations from the principles accepted in the Vedic doctrine. It accepts that the Lord Pas'upati is only the instrumental, cause of the world and not the material cause also. This view is opposed to the principles of the Vedic doctrine. There are also rules of conduct, that are opposed to what are stated in the Vedic texts.

36. Adhisthaanaanupapattes'ca

And on account of the impossibility of agency.

Indeed, in the school that proves the existence of the Lord by inference, it is stated that the Lord is only the agent. This statement is not acceptable. If it were so, it happens that a bodiless Lord cannot be the agent of the Pradhaana. But suppose the Lord has a body; it is nowhere indicated, that His body is generated. Suppose He has limbs, and yet is eternal; then no contradiction arises in accepting the earth, and the mountain etc. as eternal.

37. Karanavaccenna bhogaadibhyah

^केवलाधिष्ठानत्वम् M 2. ^^ तच्च न संमवति omitted Pr. ^^^तु omitted M 1., ^^^^ शरीरोत्प M 2, Pr. ^^^^^*महीमहार्णवादेरपि M 1.