
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
३, ४]
चतुर्थाध्याये प्रथम पाद्ः

"मनो ब्रह्म" 1इत्यादेिप्रतीके तु नात्मेति ग्रहणम् । न हि तत्र स परमात्मोपास्यः | परमात्मदृष्ट्या हेि मन्ः:प्रभृतीनि2

ब्रह्मदृष्ठिरुत्कर्षात् ॥ ५ ॥

ब्रह्म 3उत्कृष्टत्वात् तदृष्ट्या मनआद्युपासनं 4ह्यभ्युदयाय भवतीति ॥

आदित्यादिमत्यधिकरणम् ४

आदित्यादिमतयश्चाङ्ग उपपत्तेः ॥

'Let one meditate on the mind as Brahman' (Chand. III-18-1). Here the symbol (i.e. mind) is not to be meditated as the Self of the meditator. In that meditation the Highest Self is not to be meditated upon. But the mind, etc. have to be viewed as the Highest Self and meditated.

5. Brahmadrstirutkarsaat

The view of the Brahman (in the mind, etc.); is on account of superiority. The Brahman is superior to mind, etc. The meditation on the mind, etc. viewed as the Brahman is for the good of the meditator.



6. Adityaadimatayascaanga upapatteh

And the auxiliaries have to be viewed as Aditya etc. on account of this being rational.

1इत्यादिषु प्रतीकेषु M 3 2प्रभृतीति M 1

3उत्कर्षत्वात् M 1 4हि omitted M 1