
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

आनन्दमयाधिकरणम् ६


यद्यपि प्रधानादर्थान्तरभूतस्य प्रत्यगात्मनश्चेतनस्येक्षणयोगः संभवति, तथापि प्रत्यगात्मा बद्धो मुक्तश्च न जगत्कारणम्,'तस्माद्वा एत- स्मादात्मन आकाशः संभूत:' इत्यारभ्य 'तस्माद्वा एतस्माद्विज्ञानमयात् | अन्योऽन्तर आत्मानन्दमयः' 'इति तस्यानन्दमयत्वप्रतिपादनात्। कारणतया व्यपदिष्टोऽयमानन्दमयः' प्रत्यगात्मनोऽर्थान्तरभूतः सर्वज्ञः परमात्मैव |


13. Anandamayobhyasat

That, which is denoted by the term Anandamaya (is the Brahman); because there is (in the context), the repetition of various grades (of bliss which culminate in the Anandamaya or the Highest Bliss). No doubt the individual self, that possesses intelligence and that is different from the Pradhana, has the power of seeing; yet the individual self, neither in the state of bondage nor in the state of final release: can be the cause of the universe. The scriptural text beginning with 'From the same self, the spatial ether came into existence' and ending with , Different from this 'Vijnanamaya' is the Inner-Self Anandamaya ', (Tait.II-1-1) declares that the Anandamaya, mentioned as the cause of the universe, is the all-knowing Highest

1 इत्यस्य A1, M 2. 2अयमात्मानन्दमयः M 1, M 2.

3 Vijnanamaya is the individual soul whose essential characteristic is knowledge. 4'Anandamaya is the Brahman whose essential characteristic is the abundant bliss,