पृष्ठम्:व्यक्तिविवेकः (राजानकरुय्यककृतव्याख्यासहितः).pdf/४

एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

work, were kind enough to send me another manuscript of this work. The variants in this manuscript marked ग are separately noticed at the end, as an appendix. As it was not found convenient to print the commentary along with the text it is printed separate and appended. For facility of reference, the page of the text is noted at the be- ginning of the commentary on that particular page The gist of Vyaktiviveka is briefly as follows -- What is known as व्यञ्जक (०. १? the suggestive sense of a }word or the word itself) is the same as ध्वनि. If we grant व्यक्ति (suggestion), then व्यञ्जकत्व (suggestiveness) is properly attributable to व्यञ्जक Vyakti- (व्यक्ति) does not obtain in the case of Vastu, Alankara and Rasadi which are only derivative significance (व्यङ्गय) For, Vyakti is the manifestation of that which is desired to be manifested and Which becomes manifest along with what manifests it (just as a vessel contained in a dark room be- comes visible along with the light which makes it visible). Of these, vast and Alankara are not comprehended along with the वाच्यार्थ (literal sense) but only afterwards. And Rasadi strikes us only after the Vibhavadi (the causes giving rise to Rasadi) strikes us but not simultaneously with the latter. This interval between the understanding of Vibha.. yadi and Rasadi merely on account of its shortness, is not perceptible to our senses Hence Rasadndhyani is said to be Asamlakshyakramavyangya (असलक्ष्यक्रमव्यङ्गय i.e , that in which the Suggested sense follows so close on the suggestive sense that its sequence is not perceptible). As explained above Vyakti does not obtain in all the various kinds of Vastu etc. These two senses (वाच्य primary and व्यङ्गय suggested), being essentially sequential, bear the relationship of premise and conclusion and the process involved is one of inference (अनु- मान). Hence अर्थ is merely a ground of inference and not a ध्यञ्जक. As शब्द् itself enters the mind before even its meaning is grasped it is very improbable that शब्द should be treated as Suggestive of anything (व्यञ्जक). Also a word like गङ्गी whose