
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

- मायाम् 2626 मायाम् Acc. sing of the fem. noun Maya (See No. 2624) 7. 14. Primary Word-Units 2627. : Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Maruta (The wind ) 2. 23. 2628 मार्गशीर्ष: Nom. sing of the mas. noun Margasirşa [The name of the lunar month in the Indian calen- dar deriving its name from the constellation Mrgasirsa (Orion)] 10.35. 2629. # Nom. sing. of the neu. noun Mārdava (Soft-hearted- ness) 16. 2. 2630. मासानाम् Gen. plu. of the mas. noun Māsa (A month ) 10. 35. 2631 माहात्म्यम् Acc. sing of the neu. noun Māhātmya (Greatness or spiritual significance) 11. 2. 2632. मित्रद्रोहे Loc. sing of the mas. comp. noun Mitradroha (Faithless- ness to a friend) 1. 38. 2633. मित्रारिपक्षयोः Gen. dual of the mas. comp. noun Miträripakṣa (The sides of a friend and a foe) 14. 25. 2634. Loc. sing. of the neu. noun Mitra (A friend) 12. 18. 2635. fear Adv. Ind. (In vain) 18. 59. 2636. मिथ्याचार: Nom. sing of the mas. form of the comp. adj. Mith- yācāra used as a noun (One whose conduct is not in consonance with one's thoughts) 3. 6. मुहुर्मुहुः Gen. sing. of the mas. 2639. form of the adj. Mukta (Liberated) 4. 23. 2637. Nom. sing. of the neu. form of the adj. Miśra (Mixed) 18. 12. 2638.

Nom. sing. of the

mas. form of the comp. adj. Mukta- sanga (One who is free from attach- ment) 3. 9; 18. 26. 2640. form of No. 2639) 18. 40. 2641.

Nom. sing. of the mas.

form of the adj. Mukta (See No. 2639) 5. 28; 12. 15; 18. 71. 2642. मुक्त्वा Ind past participle of the root Muc-muñic (To release or give up) 8. 5. Acc. sing. of the mas. (See the adj. Mukta 2643. Nom. sing. of the neu. noun Mukha (The mouth ) 1. 29. 2644. मुखानि Nom. plu. of the neu. noun Mukha (See No. 2643) 11. 25. 2645. Loc. sing. of the neu. noun Mukha (See No. 2643) 4. 32. 2646. मुख्यम् Acc. sing of the neu. form of the adj. Mukhya (Principal) 10. 24. 2647. मुच्यन्ते Pass. 3rd pers. plu. of the root Muc-muñc (See No. 2642) 3. 13, 31. 2648. : Nom. plu. of the mas. noun Muni (An anchorite, sage or recluse) 14. 1. 2649. g: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Muni (See No. 2648) 2. 56; 5. 6, 28; 10. 26. 2650. मुनीनाम् Gen. plu. of the mas. noun Muni (See No. 2648) 10. 37. 2651. g: Gen. sing. of the mas. noun Muni (See No. 2648) 2. 69; 6.3. 2652. मुमुक्षुभिः Inst plu of the mas. noun Mumukṣu (One who is desirous of being released from bondage ) 4. 15. 2653. मुहुर्मुहुः Adv Ind. ( Again and again) 18. 76. 115