
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Prinary word-U 47. अधिन्यः Nom. sing. of the mas. (Born of or arising out of ignorance) form of the comp. pot. participial 10. 11; 14. 8. adj. Acintya ( See No. 46 ) 2. 25. 59. Nom, plu. of 48, अचिरेण Inst. sing. of the neu. the mas. form of the comp . past form of the comp adj. Acira used pass participial adj. Ajianavimohita adverbially ( Before long ) 4. 39. ( One who is deluded or infatuated 49. अचेतसः Nom . plu. of the ma8. by ignorance ) 16. 15. form of the adj. Acetas used as a Acc. sing. of the noun (A person who is devoid of neu. form of the comp. past pass. spiritual vision) 3. 32; 15. 11; 17. 6. participial adj.Ajhanasahbhuta (That This word is defined in 3. 32. hich has arisen from ignorance) 50. अच्छेद्यः Nom. sing. of the mas. 4. 42. form of the comp. pot. participial 61. Nom. sing. of the adj. Acchedya (Not capable of being ma8, comp. noun Ajianasammoha cut into pieces ) 2. 24. ( Infatuation or delusion brought 51. अच्युत Voc. sing of the mas . ignorance on by ) 18. 72. form of the comp, adj. Acyuta used 62. अज्ञानम् Nom. or acc. sing. of as a form of address ( One who was the neu. comp. noun Ajiana (Ignor. not dislodged from his position ance ) 5. 16; 13. 11: 14. 1617; 16. 4. hence Vispu) 1. 21 : 1. 42; 18. 73, 52. अजस्रम् Adv. Ind. (For ever or 63. अज्ञानाम् Gen. plu. of the mas. perpetually ) 16. 19. form of the comp, adj. Ajia used as 53, अजम् Acc. sing. of the ma8 . (See No57. a noun . ) 326. form of the comp. adj. Aja (Unborn 64. अज्ञानेन Inst. sing. of the neu. comp• noun AJnana ( See No. 62) or beginningless ) at times used as 5. 15. a noun to designate Brahma. 2. 21 ; 7. 25 ; 10. 3, 12. 65. अणीयांसम् Acc. sing. of the comparative degree of the neu. 54. अज: Nom. sing. of the mas form of the adj. Anu (An atom8. 9. form of the comp, adj. Aja (See No, 53 ) 2. 20; 4. 6. 66. अण: Gen. sing. of the neu. 55. अजानता Inst. sing. of the mas. noun Anu ( See No. 65) 8. 9 form of the pres. participial adj 67. अतवार्थवत् Norm. sing. of the Ajanat Not knowing ignorant neuform the . (or of . of comp. adjAtattvद्भr 11. 41 thavat (That which does not convey the correct notion ) 18. 22, 56. अजानन्तः Norm. plu. of the mas 68. अतन्द्रितः Nom. sing. of the form of the pres. participial adj Ajinat (See No. 55 ) 7. 24 ; 9. 11 ma8. form of the comp. adj. Atan 13. 25. drita (Devoid of idleness ) 3. 23. 57. अज्ञः Nom. sing . of the mas. 69. अतपस्काय Dat. sing• of the mas, form of the comp, adj. Ajiya (Ignor- form of the adj. Atapaka used as a ant ) 4. 40. noun ( An irreligious man ) 18, 67. 58. अशानजम् Acc. sing. of the neu 70, अतः Ady. Ind. (Hence or from form of . . . 11; 15, 18. the comp• adjAjianaja this ) 924; 12. 8; 13