पृष्ठम्:श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता (अभिनवगुप्तव्याख्यासहिता).djvu/११

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता गीतार्थ संग्रहोपेता The Pratyabhijñā or Isvaradvaya system is one of the most impressive religio-philosophical systems of India. It is also a fine example of a Tantrika system. Abhinavagupta exercised considerable influ- ence on the Advaita Vedānta dialectician Sri Harşa. II Abhinavagupta in his commentary Gitarthasan- graha sums up what he thinks is the meaning of the Gītā, According to him, the Mahabharata shows that the principal Value (pradhana-phala) is liberation, which is well-nurtured (pariposita) by others like virtue (or righteousness). Liberation is the dissolution (laya) of oneself in the Supreme Bliss- ful Lord, Who by his very nature is auspicious, omni- scient and omnipotent, and not different from any- thing. Liberation is nothing but the recognition of one's non-difference (abheda) with the Lord through While in other the contemplation of His oneness. contexts also the Mahabharata explains what liberation is, the Gita, he declares, is the text where its nature is very well explained. (See intro. verses 1 to 4, Gitarthasangraha). He ends his commentary thus: One attains Vişnu (the Omnipresent) beyond all alter- natives (vikalpātiga) through clear (vibodha) of one's own self; thereafter, while the sense organs function due to their own momentum, whatever one does spontaneously (helatah)¹ makes him attain Sankara (the Beneficent, the cause of pro- sperity). (See Sangraha-sloka at the end of chapter xviii). awareness 1. Hela unrestrained behaviour, ease. Helaya trouble (Macdonell's A ease, without Sanskrit Dictionary). with Practical -