पृष्ठम्:श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता (अभिनवगुप्तव्याख्यासहिता).djvu/३०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Introduction fact, relinquishment is the same as undertaking action with no attachment (i. e. Karma-yoga)¹ and to be free from the Strands." The implication is this: Arjuna's resolve not to fight the war would result in his bondage. For, being egocentric only, he can make such a resolve. In that case his Kşatriya Prakrti (nature) would prevail over the egocentric Arjuna and propel him to fight and would keep him in bondage. On the other hand if the act of fighting the war, enjoined in the scriptures for the warring class (Ksatriya) is undertaken with a sense of dedication and duty and with no ego, then it won't bind the warrior Arjuna. Even the act of killing relatives comes only by the way when one is to perform the enjoined act of fighting. This inci- dental injury (Himsã) is like the act of killing the goat while performing sacrifice enjoined in the scriptures, and hence it is not a sin. Rather if that act of fighting is undertaken with no craving for result, with no sense of ego and with a sense of self- surrender to the Lord, it won't bind Arjuna. On the contracry it will lead him to emancipation.³ IV xxix 1. Ch. VI, 1-2. 2. Ch. XVIII, 4-11. 3. Ch. XII, 11; XIII, 29; XVIII, 3, 41-50, 61-62, 66, 3 What we have been above may constitute more or less the main stream of thought in the GS. How- ever there are also some other important matters