पृष्ठम्:श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता (अभिनवगुप्तव्याख्यासहिता).djvu/४१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

xl श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता गीतार्थसंग्रहोपेता 'the Vedic sacrifice' that can be performed only by a few selected dvijas; but it denotes always the sublime act, that is not generated by likes and dis- likes, and that can be performed by all, irrespective of castes. Hence he seems to feel comfortable to maintain a uniformity.' 950515lah di artis no no Irisnog mely loviliqe sdi vé VIII totstaomimo 8 adi 199wisd od Another point of interest is Ag.'s catholicity, his generous attitude towards other religions, and towards the sacrifices and methods of worship to (F. n. 2. Contd. from p. xxxix) DA ROOP one may take a risk and suggest: The word is derived from the root yaj which is recognised by the Dhatupatha in the senses deva- puja (worshiping gods)san gatikarana (producing knowledge, wis- dom The lexicons recognise san gati in the sense of 'knowledge') and dāna (offering) ( यज देवपूजासंगतिकरणदानेषु ). The widely popular sense 'sacrifice' is based on the root-meaning dana and devapija इज्यन्ते दीयन्ते हवींषि अनेति, इज्यन्ते पूज्यन्ते देवता अनेति वा यज्ञः । Ramakantha's interpretation of the word is based on the root- meaning devapuja. But Ag. seems to interpret the word in its root-meaning Sangatikarana. If performed with a sense of total Self-dedication and with no craving for result, the actions are sure to generate or kindle knowledge and wisdom. San- kara's interpretation of yajia in the sense of Visnu is based on the authority of the Vedic metaphor -at a fac: Maybe in this case also the etymology intended is: इज्यते दीयते हविरस्मै एवे- मि संप्रदानार्थे, इज्यते पूज्यते अयमेवेति कर्मव्यर्थे वा यज्ञो विष्णुः परमात्मा यज- याच (PA, III, iii, 90) इत्यादिना भावे अकर्तरि च कारके यजादिभ्यो नङ्- विधानात् | येऽप्यन्यदेवताभक्ताः + + मामेव यजन्त्यविधिपूर्वकम् इति शास्त्रात् । 'यज्ञः स्यादात्मनि मखे नारायणहुताशयोः' इत्यनेकार्थसंग्रहकोशात् । 'यज्ञ इज्यो महेज्यश्च' इति श्रीविष्णुनाम्नां सहस्रमध्ये यज्ञपदपाठाच्च । 1. See pt. II. pp 66-67 etc.