पृष्ठम्:श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता (अभिनवगुप्तव्याख्यासहिता).djvu/५४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

liii TR Introduction (B) The Gitarthasangraha, Text Pricind organi erat. The GS text as found in K is generally followed in the present edition. For, it comes directly from the MSS of Kashmir, the home of Ag. The variants found in S and B are also adopted whereever they appear preferable. The other variants are noted in the footnotes. The obviously very imperfect and insignificant variations are not entered. Again where- ever all our sources seem to have defective text, the least defective one (of course it is subjective) is adopted. In these cases, attempts have been made in the Tippani and Notes to trace the fairly probable original. In an instance, a quotation of the GS as found in Anandavardhana's BG commentary named Jnanakarmasamuccaya has been of immense help in this task. The bhagyas of Sankara and Bhaskara have also been helpful in some cases. The GS texts of our Critical Appartus contain in most cases no Pratīkadhāraṇa indicating the beginn- ings of the verses of the BG, such as a fa etc., under the verses like aà à adat: etc. Such Pratīkadhāraṇas are however introduced in the pre- disent edition, only for the sake of convenience. I crave the indulgence of the scholars for this addition. PO 1. Srimad Bhagavadg ta with the Jnanakarmasamuccaya of Ananda- vardhana: Ed. S K Belvalkar: Poona, 1941. This commen- tator, according to the colophon of the commentary, belongs to Kali year 4781 (1680 A.D.), while the other Anandava- rdhana, the author of the Dhvanyaloka belongs to c. 850. 43 2. Ch. VII, 12-14. 3 See e.g. ch. V, 22.