पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

पुनरयं (आकारः) सानुबन्धकः क्व निरनुबन्धकः । M.Bh. on I. 1.14.

निरनुबन्धकपरिभाषा a short term used for the maxim निरनुबन्धकग्रहणे न सानुबन्धकस्य ग्रहणम् Par. Sek. Pari. 81.

निरवकाश possessed of no scope of, or occasion for, application; the word अनवकाश is also used in this sense. The niravakasa rules always set aside the general rules which are always present wherever they i. e. the niravakasa rules are possible to be applied. Niravakasatva is looked upon as one of the two criteria for बाध or sublation, the other one being सामान्यविशेषभाव as illustrated by the usual maxim, known as तक्रकौण्डिन्यन्याय. See तक्रकौण्डिन्यन्याय; cf. also अनवकाशा हि विधयो बाधका भवन्ति Par. Sek. on Pari. 64.

निरस्त a fault of pronunciation when a vowel is harshly pronounced and hence is not properly audible; cf. निरस्तं निष्ठुरम् Pradipa on M.Bh. I. 1. Ahn. 1. The fault occurs when the place and the means of utter- ance are pressed and drawn in;cf. निरस्तं स्थानकरणापकर्षे R. Pr. XIV. 2.

निराकृत (1) set aside; answered; the word is frequently used in connec- tion with faults which are stated to occur or present themselves if a particular explanation is given; (2) prevailed over by another; cf. तदा न रूपं लभते निराकृतम् R. Pr. XI. 30, where Uvvata paraphrases निराकृत as विस्मृत.

निरुक्त name of a class of works which were composed to explain the collections of Vedic words by means of proposing derivations of those words from roots as would suit the sense. The Nirukta works are looked upon as supplementary to grammar works and there must have been a good many works of

this kind in ancient times as shown by references to the writers of these viz. Upamanyu, Sakatay- ana,Sakapuni,Sakapurti and others, but, out of them only one work composed by Yaska has survived; the word, hence has been applied by scholars to the Nirukta of Yaska which is believed to have been written in the seventh or the eighth century B. C. i. e. a century or two before Panini. The Nirukta works were looked upon as subsidi- ary to the study of the Vedas along with works on phonetics ( शिक्षा ), rituals ( कल्प ), grammar (व्याकरण) prosody (छन्दस्) and astro- nomy(ज्योतिष)and a mention of them is found made in the Chandogyo- panisad. As many of the derivati- ons in the Nirukta appear to be forced and fanciful, it is doubtful whether the Nirukta works could be called scientific treatises. The work of Yaska, however, has got its own importance and place among works subsidiary to the Veda, being a very old work of that kind and quoted by later commentators. There were some glosses and commentary works written upon Yaska's Nirukta out of which the one by Durgacarya is a scholarly one.It is doubtful whe- ther Durgacarya is the same as Durgasimha, who wrote a Vrtti or gloss on the Katantra Vyakar- ana. The word निरुक्त is found in the Pratisakhya works in the sense of 'explained' and not in the sense of derived; cf. R. Pr. XV 6; V.Pr. IV. 19, 195.

निरुक्तभाष्य a gloss on Yaska's Nirukta written by a modern scholar of grammar named Ugracarya in the eighteenth century A. D.

निरुदकादि a class of compound words