पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

पौनःपुन्य frequency; repetition a sense in which the frequentative affix यङ् and in some cases the imperative mood are prescribed; cf.पौनःपुन्यं भृशार्थश्च क्रियासमभिहारः:S.K. on P.1II. 1.22: cf. also S. K on P.III.4.2.

पौरस्त्यवैयाकरण a grammarian of the eastern school which is believed to have been started by जिनेन्द्रबुद्धि the writer of the gloss called न्यास on the Kasikavrtti. The school practi- cally terminated with पुरुषोत्तमदेव and सीरदेव at the end of the twelfth century A.D. Such a school exist- ed also at the time of Panini and Patanjali, a reference to which is found made in प्राचां ष्फ ताद्धतः P. IV. 1.17 and प्राचामवृद्धात्फिन् बहुलम् IV.1. 160 and प्राचामुपादेरडज्वुचौ च V.3.80 where the word is explained as प्राचामाचार्याणां by the writer of the Kasika.

पौर्वापर्य (1) a relation between two operations or rules based upon their anterior and ulterior posi- tions, which is many times taken into consideration for deciding their relative strength; (2) the order of words; cf शब्देनार्थान्वाच्यान् दृष्ट्वा बुद्धौ कुर्यात् पौर्वापर्यम् M. Bh.on P 1.4.109 Vart. 10 cf also पौर्वापर्यमका- लव्यपेतं सेहिता, P. I. 4.109 Vart. 8.

पौष्करसादि an ancient grammarian who belonged to the dynasty of पुष्करसद्, whose views are quoted by the Varttikakara and the writers of the Pratisakhya works: cf चयो द्वितीयाः शारि पौष्करसादेः P. VIII. 4.48 Vart. 3; cf. also व्यञ्जनपरः पौष्करसादेर्न पूर्वश्च ञकारम् T. Pr. V: cf. also T. Pr. XIII. 16; XIV. 2, XVII. 6.

प्र a conventional term for हृस्व (short) generally applied to vowels in the Jainendra Vyakarana.

प्रकम्प depression of the voice after raising it as noticed in connection with the utterance of the svarita vowels in certain cases and in certain Vedic schools with a view to show the svarita nature of the vowel distinctly, in spite of the fact that such a depression is generally looked upon as a.fault; cf. असन्दिग्धान् स्वरान् ब्रूयादविकृष्टानकाम्पितान् R. Pr. III.18 as also जात्योभिानिहितश्चैव क्षैप्रः प्रश्लिष्ट एव च । एते स्वराः प्रकम्पन्ते यत्रोच्चस्वरितोदयाः R. Pr. III. 19.

प्रकरण topic; context; a section wherein a particular subject is treated; cf. अर्थात् प्रकरणाद्वा लोके कृत्रि- माकृत्रिमयोः कृत्रिमे संप्रत्ययो भवति M.Bh. on I. 1. 23; cf. also सामान्यशब्दाश्च नान्तरेण विशेषं प्रकरणं वा विशेषेष्ववतिष्ठन्ते M. Bh. on I. 2.45 Vart 9.

प्रकरणग्रन्थ literary works in which the treatment is given in the form of topics by arranging the original sutras or rules differently so that all such rules as relate to a particular topic are found toge- ther: the Prakriykaumudi, the Siddhantakumudi and others are called प्रकरणग्रन्थs. Such works are generally known by the name प्राक्रयाग्रन्थ as opposed to वृतिग्रन्थ.

प्रकर्ष eminence: excellence of a parti- cular quality ; cf. कथं पुनरन्यस्य प्रकर्षेण अन्यस्य प्रकर्षः स्यात्: cf. also यद्यपि द्रव्यस्य स्वतः प्रकर्षो नास्ति तथापि गुणाक्रियास्थ: प्रक्रर्षो द्रव्य उपचर्यते , Kas on P. V. 4.1 1.

प्रकर्षगति preferential treatment, spe- cial consideration ; cf. तत्र प्रकर्षगतिर्वि- ज्ञास्यते साधीयः यः अल्विधिः इति, M.Bh.on P.I. 1.56; cf. also M. Bh. on III. 1.94 Vart. 6.

प्रकर्षण keeping wide the two parts of the chin which causes a fault in pronunciation called विक्लिष्ट :cf प्रकर्षणे तदु विक्लिष्टमाहुः । ह्न्वोः प्रकर्षणे सर्व-