पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

on P. VI. 4.120 Vart 3, also cf. Katantra I. 4.1 and Hem. I. 3.35. The word is also used (in the feminine gender) in the sense of the case affixes सु ( स् ), औ, जस् ( अस् ) of the nominative case. The word is also used in the sense of the premier accent उदात्त (acute); cf. प्रथमभाविनः उदात्तभाविनः Uvvata on R. Pr. III. 8.

प्रथमा the nominative case; case affix- es of the nominative case. cf. प्रातिपदिकार्थलिङ्गपरिमाणवचनमात्रे प्रथमा P.II. 3.46.

प्रदर्शन illustration; cf. विदांकुर्वन्तु इति । इतिकरणः प्रदर्शनार्थः न केवलं प्रथमपुरुषबहुवचनं किं तर्हि सर्वाण्येव लोड्वचनान्यनुप्रयुज्यन्ते । Kas. on P. III.1.41; cf. also किमर्थो योग- विभागः । प्रदर्शनार्थः । Kas. on P.I.2.59.

प्रदान mode of articulation, the same as करण.

प्रदीप popular name of the famous commentary on the Mahabhasya of Patanjali written by the reput- ed grammarian Kaiyata in the eleventh century A. D. The corn- mentary is a very scholarly and critical one and really does justice to the well-known compliment given to it, viz. that the Pradipa has kept the Mahabhasya alive which otherwise would have re- mained unintelligible and conse- quently become lost. The commen- tary प्रदीप is based on the commen- tary महाभाष्यदीपिका,or प्रदीपिका written by Bhartrhari, which is available at present only in a fragmentary form. The Pradipa is to this day looked upon as the single com- mentary on the Mahabhasya in spite of the presence of a few other commentaries on it which are all thrown into the back-ground by it.

प्रदीपकार Kaiyatabhatta, the author of the fatmous commentary प्रदीप 32

on the Mahabhasya, which see above.

प्रदीपविवरण called also उद्द्योत written by the well-known grammarian Nagesabhatta of Varanasi who flourished in the first half of the eighteenth century.

प्रदेश lit. district; sphere of applica- tion, place of the application of a rule. The word is frequently used in this sense in the Kasika Vritti; cf. प्रत्ययप्रदेशाः प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्यय- लक्षणमित्येवमादयः Kas. on P. III.1.1 . cf. also अनुदात्तप्रदेशाः अनुदात्तौ सुप्पितौ इत्यादयः Kas. on P. I. 2.30. The word प्रदेश is also used in the sense of the place of use or utility; cf. संज्ञाशास्त्रस्य तु कार्यकालपक्षे न पृथग्वाक्यार्थबोधः किं तु प्रदेशवाक्येन सहैव । ... कार्यज्ञानं च प्रदेशदेश एव Par. Sek. Pari. 3.

प्रदेशशास्त्र a rule, laying down a positive original injunction as opposed to the अपवादशास्त्र;cf. यैः अर्थाः प्रदिश्यन्ते तानि प्रदेशशास्त्राणि com. on R. Pr. XI.35.

प्रधान (1) the principal thing as oppo- sed to the subordinate one; some- thing which has got an indepen- dent purpose of its own and is not meant for another; प्रधानमुपसर्जनमिति च संबन्धिशब्दावेतौ M.Bh. on P. I.2.43 V.5; cf. also प्रधानाप्रधानयोः प्रधाने कार्य- संप्रत्ययः Par. Sek. Pari. 97; (2) pre- dominant of main importance; cf. पूर्वपदार्थप्रधानोव्ययीभावः etc. M. Bh. on II. 1.6, 20, 49 II.2.6 etc; (3) pri- mary as opposed to secondary; cf. गौणे कर्मणि दुह्यादेः प्रधाने नीहृकृष्वहाम् । cf. also प्रधानकर्मण्याख्येये लादीनाहुर्द्विकर्मणाम् । अप्रधाने दुहादीनाम् M.Bh.on I.4.51

प्रधानशिष्ट prominently mentioned as opposed to अन्वाचयशिष्टः cf. कर्तुः क्यङ् सलोपश्च । प्रधानशिष्टः क्यङ् अन्वाचयशिष्टः सलोपः M. Bh. on III.1. 11; cf. also प्रधाना- न्वाचयशिष्टयोः प्रधाने संप्रत्ययः Vyadi Pari. 67.