पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

ing with a case-affix or a base before case and tad. affixes begin- ning with any consonant except- ing य् ) just as the substitution of Visarga, anusvara, the first or third consonant, and others given in P. VIII. 4.37 and the follow- ing. For the various changes and operations for a base termed भ see P. VI. 4.129 to 175.

भकार the consonant भ् with the vowel अ and the affix कार added for facility of utterance: cf. T. Pr. I. 17,21.

भक्त forming a part or portion (of something in connection with which it has been prescribed as an augment) cf. तद्भक्तस्तद्ग्रहणेन गृह्यते Vyadi Pari. 17; cf. also अामः सुडयं भक्तः अाम्ग्रहणेन ग्राहिष्यते M. Bh. on P. VII. 1.33.

भक्तल् tad. affix भक्त applied to the words भौरिकि and others in the sense of 'a place of residence;' cf. P. IV. 2.54.

भक्ति (1) name given to two of the five divisions of a Saman which are प्रस्तावभक्ति, उद्गीथ, प्रतिहार, उपद्रव and निधानभाक्ति; (2) the vowel por- tion surrounding, or placed after, the consonant र् or ल् which (con- sonant) is believed to be present in the vowel ऋ or ऌ respectively forming its important portion, but never separately noticed in it. The vowels ऋ and ऌ are made up of one matra each. It is contended by the grammarians that the consonants र् and ल् forming respectively the portion of ऋ and ऌ, make up half- a-matra, while the remaining half is made up of the भक्ति of the vowel surrounding the consonant or situated after the consonant. The word which is generally used

for this 'bhakti is 'ajbhakti' in- stead of which the word स्वरभक्ति is found in the Pratisakhya works; cf. यत्तद्रेफात्परं भक्तेस्तेन व्यवहितत्वान्न प्राप्नेति । ...... यच्चात्र रेफात्परं भक्तेर्न तत् क्वचिदपि व्यपवृक्तं दृश्यते । M. Bh. on P. VIII. 4.1 Vart 2; cf. स्वरभक्तिः पूर्वभागक्षराङ्गं R. Pr. I. 17; also cf. रेफात्स्वरोपहिताद् व्यञ्जनोदयाद् ऋकारवर्णा स्वरभ- क्तिरुत्तरा । R. Pr. VI. 13.

भक्षित lit, eaten up; a fault in pro- nunciation when a letter is so hurriedly pronounced that it appears to have been dropped.

भक्ष्यनियमrestriction regarding edibles of a particular kind. The word is quoted to illustrate the नियमविधि or restrictive rule in gra- mmar. Although the restriction in the instance पञ्च पञ्चनखा भक्ष्याः is of the kind of परिसंख्या and called परिसंख्या, and not नियम, by the Mima- msakas, the grammarians call it a niyamavidhi. There is no परि- संख्याविधि according to grammarians; they cite only two kinds of vidhi viz. simple vidhi or apurva vidhi and niyamavidhi.

भट्टोजी surnamed Diksita; a stalwart grammarian of the Panini system who flourished in the first half of the seventeenth century and wrote many independent books and com- mentaries such as the Siddhanta- kaumudi, the Praudhamanorama, the Vaiyakaranasiddhantakarika, the Sabdakaustubha and others. The most reputed work out of these, however, is the Siddhanta- kaumudi which is very popular even today and which has almost set aside other works of its kind such as the Prakriyakaumudi and others. Bhattoji was a Telagu Brahmana, as generally believed, and although he belonged to the