पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

terminations marked with the mute letter क्: e.g. इज्यते, इष्टिः cf. वचिस्वपियज्ञादीनां क्रिति P.VI.1.15. These roots are nine in number, यज् , वप् , वंह् , वस् and others which are of the first conjugation given by Paanini in his Dhaatupatha at the end of the roots of the first conjugation.

यञ्(l) short term ( प्रत्याहार ) formed by the letter य of हयवरट् and the mute letter ञ् of इभञ् including serni-vowels and the third and the fourth consonants excepting घ् , ढ् and ध् of the five consonant groups: cf. अतो दीर्घो यञि P. VII. 3. 10l ; (2) tad. affix added (a) in the sense of गोत्र (grand-children and their descendants) to words of the गर्ग class and some other words under specific conditions, e.g. गार्ग्यः वात्स्य:, काप्यः etc., cf. गर्गादिभ्यो यञ् and the following P.IV. 1. 105-108: (b) in the sense of collection to केदार, गणिका, केश and अश्व, cf. P.IV.2.40 and the Varttika.thereon and IV. 2.48; (c) in the Saisika senses to the word द्वीप, cf. P.IV.3.10: (d) to the word कंसीय e. g. कांस्यम् cf. P.IV.3.168, and (e) to the words अभिजित्, विदभृत् and others when they have the tad. affix अण् added to them : e.g. अाभजित्य: cf. P. V. 3. 118.

यण् a brief term for letters य् , व् , र् and ल् , i.e. the semi-vowels;cf. इको यणदि P. VI. I. 77; cf. also I. 1.45 and VI. 4. 81.

यण्वत् containing a semi-vowel inside it: cf. संयोगादेरातो धातोर्यण्वतः P. VIII. 2.43.

यत् see य (6).

यत्न ( 1) effort in the utterance of a letter; the word which is general- ly used for such an effort is प्रयत्न. This effort is described to be of two kinds अाभ्यन्तर internal i.e. below the 37

root of the tongue and बाह्य above the root of the tongue i.e. inside the mouth; cf. यत्नं द्विधा | अाभ्यन्तरो बाह्यश्च | S. K. on P. I. 1.9; (2) spe- cific effort, by adding a word to a rule for drawing some inference, with a view to removing some technical difficulty: cf तेन पयो धावती- त्यादौ यत्नान्तरमास्थेयम् Kaas. on P. VIII. 2. 25. The phrase कर्तव्योत्र यत्नः often occurs in the Mahaabhaasya.

यत्प्रकरण lit. the topic or the section of यत्; the section where the tad. affix यत् is prescribed. This tad. affix यत् is prescribed in the fifth adhyaaya of Paanini in a number of rules in different and different senses ; cf. यत्प्रक्ररणे रथाच्च P.V. 1.6 Vaart.1 ; यत्प्रकरणे व्रह्मवर्चसान्त्व P.V.1.39 Vaart. 1.

यथागृहीतं as they are actually found in Vedic recital with some irregu- larties of euphonic changes,length- ening of the vowel and the like. Specimens of such phrases are given in R.Pr.II.33 to 39.

यथान्यासं as it is actually put in the rule or a treatise by the author. The phrase is often used in the Mahaabhaasya when after a long dis- cussion, involving further and fur- ther difficulties, the author reverts to the original stand and defends the writing of the sutra as it stands. सिध्यत्येवमपाणिनीयं तु भवति or सूत्रं भिद्यते । तर्हि यथान्यासमेवास्तु is the usual exp- ression found in the Mahaabhaasya; cf, M.Bh. I.1. Aahnika 1, I.1.1, 9, 20, 62, 65 etc.

यथालक्षणं as formed according to rules. The phrase यथालक्षणमप्रयुक्ते is very often found in the Maha- bhaasya as a general guiding re- mark that noun-forms or word- forms which are not found in use in the language of the people or in literature should be understood