पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
रामचन्द्रभट्ट तारे

taddhita affix अक ( वुच् ) is added in the sense of ' the place of re- sidence '; e. g. राजन्यकः, औदुम्वरक: ! etc. This class named राजन्यादि is ] called अाकृतिगण and similar words ! can be included in this class such as मालव,विराट् , त्रिगर्त and others from which the words मालवक: वैराटक: त्रैगर्तक: etc. can be arrived at cf. Kas. on P. IV. 2.53.

राजारामशास्त्री ( कार्लेकर ) a reputed scholar of Sanskrit grammar who resided at Varanasi and establish- ed a school of Sanskrit Gramma- rians there in the nineteenth century. He wrote a treatise on grammar named शब्दव्युत्पत्तिकौमुदी.

राधाकृष्ण ( गोस्वामी ) a grammarian who wrote two elementary gra- umar treatises (1) अव्ययार्थे and (2) वैयाकरणसर्वस्वसूची.

राधावल्लभ titled तर्कपञ्चानन, who wrote a commentary named सुबोधिनी on the Mugdhabodha Vyakarana.

राम or रामभट्ट who wrote a comme- ntary on the Prakriykaumudi of Ramacandra Sesa.

राम inhabitant of Mithila who wrote a commentary by name विद्वत्प्रबोधिनी on the Sarasvata Prakriya.

रामकिंकसरस्वती a grammarian who wrote a small grammar treatise named अायुबोधव्याकरण which is diff- erent from the well-known अाशुबोध of तारानाथतर्कवाचस्पति.

रामाकिशोर ( चक्रवर्तीं ) author of (1) अष्टमङ्गला a commentary on the कातन्त्रवृति of Durgasimha, as also of (2) शाब्दबोधप्रकाशिका, a small work on the import of words.

रामकृष्ण a grammarian who wrote a treatise on Karaka relations known by the name शाब्दबोधप्रक्रिया.

रामकृष्णभट्ट a grammarian of the 17th century who wrote वैयाकरणसिद्धान्त- रत्नाकर, a commentary on the diffe-

rent portions of the Siddhānta Kaumudi

रामकृष्णानन्द writer of a commentary on the Mahabhasya which is available in a fragmentary form.

रामचन्द्र (1) रामचन्द्राचार्य (son of कृष्णाचार्य) the well-known author of the Prakriyakaumudi. He belonged to the Sesa family and the latter half of the fifteenth century is assigned as his date. He is believed to have been a resident of Andhra. His work, the Prakriyakaumudi, was a popular grammar treatise for some time before Bhattoji's Siddhanta- Kaumudi got its hold, and it had a number of commentaries written upon it especially by his descen- dants and members of his family which became well-known as the Sesa family of grammarians. The Prakriyakaumudi is named कृष्णर्कि- करप्राक्रिया also. (2) There was a gra- mmarian named Ramacandra who wrote a small treatise on grammar named विदग्धबोध. (3) There was another grammarian of the same name who was a pupil of Nagesa- bhatta of the eighteenth century and who wrote a small commentary called वृतिसंग्रह on Panini's Astadh- yayi. (4) There was also another Ramacandra who was a scholar of Vedic grammar and who wrote the commentary named ज्योत्स्ना on the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya.

रामचन्द्र दीक्षित a grammarian who wrote (l) Unadikosa, ( 2 ) Mani- dipika, a commentary on the Una- disutras, and (3) Sabdabhedanirui- pana.

रामचन्द्रभट्ट तारे one of the senior pupils of Nagesabhatta who was a teacher of Vaidyanatha Payagunde. He wrote a small gloss on the Astadh- yayi which is named पाणिनिसूत्रवृत्ति