पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

their interpretation and often quoted by later grammarians. It consists of three chapters the Padakanda or Brahmakanda, the Vakyakanda and the Sam- kirnakanda, and has got an ex- cellent commentary written by Punyaraja and Helaraja.

वाक्यपदीयटीका name of a commen- tary on Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya written by Punyaraja on the first and the second Kanda. Some scholars hold the view that the commentary on the first kanda was written by Bhartrhari himself.

वाक्यपदीयप्रकीर्णप्रकाश name given to the commentary on the third Kanda or book of Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya by Helaraja.

वाक्यपरिसमाप्ति completion of the idea to be expressed in a sentence or in a group of sentences by the word- ing actually given, leaving nothing to be understood as con- trasted with वाक्यापरिसमाप्ति used in the Mahabhasya; cf. वाक्यापरिसमाप्तेर्वा P.I.1.10 vart. 4 and the Maha- bhasya thereon. There are two ways in which such a completion takes place,singly and collectively; cf. प्रत्येकं वाक्यपरिसमाप्तिः illustrated by the usual example देवदत्तयज्ञदत्तविष्णु- मित्रा भोज्यन्ताम् where Patanjali re- marks प्रत्येकं ( प्रत्यवयवं) भुजिः परिसमाप्यते; cf. also समुदाये वाक्यपरिसमाप्तिः where Patajali remarks गर्गाः शतं दण्ड्यन्ताम् । अर्थिनश्च राजानो हिरण्येन भवन्ति न च प्रत्येकं दण्डयन्ति । M. Bh.on P.I.1.1Vart.12; cf. also M.Bh. on P.I.1.7, I.2.39, II.2.l etc.

वाक्यप्रकाश a work on the interpreta- tion of sentences written with a commentary upon it by उदयधर्ममुनि of North Gujarat who lived in the seventeenth century A.D.

वाक्यप्रदीप a term sometimes seen

(wrongly) applied to the Vakya- padiya of Bhartrhari. It may have been the name of the commentary on the vakyaprakasa.

वाक्यभेद a serious fault of expression when a sentence is required to be divided into two sentences for the sake of its proper interpretation: cf. केचिद्वा सुप्यापिशलेरित्यनुवर्तयन्ति तद्वाक्य भेदेन सुब्धातौ विकल्पं करोति Kas. onP.VI. 1.94; cf. also तद्धि (स्थानेग्रहणं) तृतीयया विपरिणमय्य वाक्यभेदेन स्थानिनः प्रसङ्गे जायमानः etc. Par. Sek. on Pari. 13.

वाक्यशेष complement of a sentence; something required to be under- stood to complete the sense of a sentence generally according to the context; cf.कल्प्यो हि वाक्यशेषो वाक्यं वक्तर्यघीनं हि । M. Bh. on P. I. 1.57 Vart. 6; cf. कामचारश्च वतिनिर्देशे वाक्यशेषं समर्थयितुंम् । तद्यथा । उशीनखन्मद्रेषु गावः! सन्ति न सन्तीति । मातृवदस्याः कलाः ! सन्तिं न सन्तीति ! M.Bh. on P.I.3.62.

वाक्यसंस्कारपक्ष the grammarian's theory that as the individual words have practically no existence as far as the interpretation or the expression of sense is concerned, the sentence alone being capable of conveying the sense, the formation of individual words in a sentence is explained by putting them in a sentence and knowing their mutual relationship. The word गाम् cannot be explained singly by showing the base गो and the case ending अम् unless it is seen in the sentence गाम् अानय; cf. यथा वाक्यसंस्कारपक्षे कृष्णादि- संबुद्धयन्त उपपदे ऋधेः क्तिनि कृते कृष्ण ऋध् ति इति स्थिते असिद्धत्वात्पूर्वमाद्गुणे कृते अचो रहाभ्यामिति द्वित्वं .. Pari. Bhaskara Pari. 99. The view is put in alternation with the other view, viz. the पदसंस्कारपक्ष which has to be accept- ed in connection with the गौणमुख्य- न्याय; cf. पदस्यैव गौणार्थकत्वस्य ग्रहेण अस्य