एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

68 Lesson XV. XVI. 10. Let the wife love her husband. 11. Let the warriors follow their leaders and fight with the enemy (pl.). 12. At the river the boy is to meet his two sisters (instr.). 13. The world was created by the creator. 14. In the houses of pious givers alms is given to ascetics. 15. King Bhoja was (pada) generous toward the author (loc.) of the eulogies. 16. Let servants always be useful to (a) their masters (acc.). 17. For protection* (acc.) betake yourselves to the gods”, the protectors of the pious?. 18. Men live by the graciousness of the creator. 19. O generous one, the poor bend before thee! 20. The man leads his sisters to the city (pass. constr.). mai Lesson XVI. MI 206. Verbs, a-conjugation. Present Optative Active. The present optative is formed from the general present-stem by the addition of a mode-sign, after which are used secondary end- ings (in 3rd pl. act. Of us, in 1st sing. mid. 7 a, in 3rd pl. mid. Ta ran). After an a-stem, this mode-sign, in all voices, is fi, unaccented, which blends with the final a to T e (accented, or not, according to the accent of the a): aud the Q is maintained unchanged before a vowel-ending (WA, GA, TETA, TATA) by means of an interposed euphonic U y. The inflection in the active voice is as follows: Sing Dual. Plural. 1. वदेयम् ०ddegam | aga vádeva aĝA vádema 2. aga vádes aan vadetam वदेत uddeta 3. aaa vádet वदेताम् addetton | वदेयुस videgus v Similarly, fagea viçéyam, TUA náhyeyam, itteet coráyeyam, etc. i ai a Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®