एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

tv BASIC MATERIALS Ravi Varma for their respective editions In the beginning, for the first two Adhyayas (I, 1, 1 to I, 32, 15) we had to extract its readings from the aforesaid edition and for the third Adhyaya (1, 33, 1 to I 46 14) from the aforesaid edition which we recorded under the designations साम्व' and रवि respectively Later on, as arranged with the Trivandrum Library, one of our scholars was deputed there to collate on the spot our press-copy of the remaining available portion of the Bhaja with this original manuscript The readings thus secured have since been marked off under fà after the place name Tiruvanantapuram (=Invandrum) The basic materials which were available for the present edition for the aforesaid second part of the Bhasya, i e V, 57, 1 to 61, 19 and VI, 29, 1 to VI, 75, 6 may now be indicated as under A. Previously Published edition C. K Rajas edition of the pornon V, 57, I to V, 61, 19 and VI 47, 18-31 It appeared by instalments in the Adyar Labrary Bulletin () in its Volumes XIV, Part 1 and XVI Parts 1-4 for the years 1950 and 1952 Since it was based on a single faulty manuscript, tts reliability is very much doubiful Indeed, the Editor who seems to have taken it up, quite enthusiastically, taking pains to trace out and clearly demarcate the other texts quoted in the Rhagya and adding comparative data from Brhaddevata and some other works could not proceed beyond VI, 47, 31 where he must have felt compelled to give it up, being a hope- less task B Manuscripts The transcript prepared for the Lalchand Library at Lahore in the year 1929 and now preserved in the Manuscript Library of the VVR Institute under its No, 6176 It contains the portions from V, 57, 1 to V, 61, 19 and from VI, 47, 18 to VI, 75, 6 It seems to have been prepared from some very defective orginal as it contams numerous lacunae as well as misplacements in the text gives the Mantras in red ink and the Bhag in black ink, The transcript got prepared for this purpose by the V. V. Research Insutute Hoshiarpur in the year 1959 from a transcript, preserved in the Madras Government Oriental Manuscript Library under its No 5402 It contains the same portions of the Phaspe as fat and is also equally defective and corrupt. It appears that both the transcrpts fa and fa' might have been prepared from the same orginal manuscript However, there are some improved readings in ft, evidently, owing to its scribe having been able to decipher original manuscript more correctly than the other scribe concerned had been able to do The transcript prepared, probably, from the same original as in the case of fat and fu for the Adyar Library and kept there under its No C 31-1-10 On collation with this transcnpt, some good variants, resulung Ikewise, from superior decipherment of the original by the careful copyist concerned became available to help us in filling up cera lacunae and clearing some amb guous readings