पृष्ठम्:The Sanskrit Language (T.Burrow).djvu/८२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

PHONOLOGY 75 k w : Skt. ka- 1 who ? 4 kim ' what 4 , Lith. kds, O, SL ku-to : Gk. TiV 4 who 7 to$€v 4 whence 4 , Lat. quis ; ydkrt 4 liver Av. ydkarp ; Gk. ^ap, Lat. tVtftr ; krtndtni ' I buy 4 , O. Russ* krinuti ; Gk. inplap^v 4 I bought ', Ir. crenim, Welsh prynaf ; kfmi- 4 worm Lith. kirmele : Ir. cruim, Welsh />ry/; rindkti leaves p f 4 left 4 , Arm. lk 4 anem 4 1 leave 4 he left Lith. lekii ‘ I leave 4 : Gk. AetTroj, Lat. linquo , etc. g w : Skt. gam- gacchati r go ’ : Gk. pdcrtca), Lat. Goth. qiman ; gtf- (nom. s. gatis) 4 cow 4 , Arm. kov, O. SI. gov§do : Gk. jSouff, Lat. £>es, O. Ir. bo ; Skt. gna 4 (divine) woman, wife Av. gznd, O. Pruss. genna , Arm. kin, pi. kanaik* : Gk. yvvrf, fiava, Ir. ben , Goth, qind ; guru- ‘heavy 4 Gk. fiapvs ; gwr- 4 to lift up, heave 4 , Av. gar- r to throw 4 : Gk. fldAXw ; grdvan- 4 pressing stone 4 : Ir. bro, gen. broon Welsh breuan 4 mill- stone g w h : Skt. jagkdna 4 slew 4 : O. Ir. geguin, cf. Gk. ihrepyov, povos ; arghd- * value, price 4 ; Lith, alga : Gk. aXpdvoj 'earn' ; gharmd - 4 heat Av. garpma -, O. Pruss. gorme : Gk. depfxos 4 hot 4 , Lat. formus ; laghu - 4 light, swift 4 : Gk. iX appos, Lat. levis. As can be seen from these examples the sat pm languages have uniformly abandoned all trace of the labial element in these constants, and this, in conjunction with their sharing in the first palatalisation, provides strong evidence that they are derived from a single dialect group within Indo-European. Both changes belong to the late Indo-European period and not to the separate evolution of the various languages of this group. The element w which is attached to these velars differs from full IE w in that it is not convertible to the vowel u when the succeeding vowel is elided : e.g. Skt. hdnti 4 slays 4 : ghnanti 4 they slay 4 from IE g w henti : g w hnonti ; similarly Gk. €? repvov, etc., as opposed to usual treatment of w as seen in such cases as svdpna- 4 sleep 4 : suptd - 4 asleep It is possible, however, that this applies only to the late Indo-European stage. There exist some survivals, particularly in Hittite, in which this element is seen to be vocalised, after the manner of w proper. Corresponding to the Sanskrit verbal forms above Hittite has 3 s. kuenzi ; 3 pi. kunanzi and corresponding to Skt. nakt -, Gk. wJf, Lat. nox 4 night 4 (IE *nok w t-) it has nekuz mehur 4 night time Other instances of this treatment are seen in Toch. A. kurydr