KADAMBARl. 131 P. 3. l. 23— p. 4. I. 18. irf^rm^..-^f>. L 23 sr&cra =3 — cM<H<i sent a message -with ^jjer to ^t%tt to this effect ( pp. 180—181 of P ). ^{q- g:R=|<iwi as long as you ( jt^i%T ) are distressed. H^^TT tad lost her lover jju^fft; but was promised by a super-human voice his return. She remained as an ascetic awaiting that happy re-union. ^7 = ^y%rfr ) the friend of errFW- n$ — Thus ; this refers to c^hO ' 8 resolve not to marry until JT^T^TT's sorrow ends. ^■HidR^ This is a bad idea { refers to 3733TfEri^rr). ITtRiKt one who works evil, jpf^g: = jr^:. ^Rfa— IXf^ ma y even deprive (a person) of life by reason of producing love in the mind (sn^f: 2j: <£c$- stg^pj: a<m ^). p. 4. I. 2. i^ft *TR^ ^ Even this does not exist in my case. This refers to the words 3?^zpn% f^rsr^ siifi^R STqirffl' in the preceding sentence. I do see him ( ^^Ttffe ) and so there is no danger of 41Rdm£K> as suggested by J^^T- H- 2—5 JT^h... ■ j JH *i The prince presented to the mind by my imagination always shows himself to me, not being observed ( by others ), even in the presence of men, like one possessed of miraculous powers, he ( prince ) being handed over to me either by cupid or by fate &c. She means that although the prince is physically- absent, her imagination is so much heated by thoughts of him, that he seems to her to be bodily present near her ; just as a f^g- may come to any person unobserved on account of his powers of jJjTt, so =sF^T<ft3 though seen ( mentally ) by her, is not observed by others. sift =3reft"-l£3?T : — ^ n this and the following five clauses up to epfzrf^ ( p. 4. 1. 8 ) she contrasts the gn^qqzr =5f^iqts with the real -^r^nfl^. 3^ %$ like him ( the real =3^f<fte ). 3PPVT=S!5Wi:fiTrc:. 3TW% ( all of a sudden) vfc&VT- ifc ftgt WiA TPT- ^F5J t fT2' receiving a letter from his father left jrxo all of a sudden ; but the prince as pictured in her imagination never leaves her. 3{jf ifa = ^fqyjWf: 1WK ^. The real =3^0 does not care for me and went away. But this one ( the ^ng^tppT ) is himself afraid of being separated from me. 11. 6 — 8 Jfi4 s^ift... €r4q% This means — the real =q?5jqte is day and night surrounded ( lit. crowded ) by ^sift, he is the lord ( husband ) of the earth, he cares for learning and adds to his fame i. e. the real -^r^nfa has as his favourites si^ft, "jssfr, sft^ft and jjftf£ ( which may be 2»etically represented as co-wives of n,i^ r ); while the ^rpwr gr^T< cares only for JfiT^o. 11. 8 — 12 q=^|p|...jprr construe jprj (l. 11) a— f*nt sri^r 3TTtftoi 3f?i^rT...<FprTft <t*tt &*?;ft?r^rw. I have already told you bow I see the prince &c. srra'tol
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