पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२५७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR . 21] विरोध between धवल and सराग and दीघभवत् and दीर्घ न पश्यति. The idea is that in youth the eyes naturally become larger than in borhood, as the whole body becomes larger; yet the ( mental) eye is not able to see far 8. e. to consider the remote consequences of ones acts. The cause of this is that the person is full of passions in youth. अनुपहते...श्रोत्रे the instruction imparted by elders does not enter the ear though it is nninjured t. e. young men do not mind the advice of elder. नीरागि..हृदये-learning_ finds no room in the heart, though it loves woman. स्त्रीषु रागः स्त्रीरागः सः अस्यास्तीति स्त्रीरागिन् तस्मिन् स्त्री रागिणि हृदये. The heart of young men loves women. विद्य (being in the feminine gender ) is a woman. Therefore they should ind room in their hearta for her. But that is not so youug men do not care for विद्य ). स्थैर्य-..तरलतायाम् ( In youth ) here is firmness of mind as regards fickleness which is unsteady by natureThe idea is:-young men are constant in nothing except in one case. They are constant only in their inconstanncy i. e. they are always fickle-minded. Supply विद्यते after स्थैर्यम् and आसङ्गः in the next clause. The reading of N ‘न थैर्यम्’ does not yield a satisfactory sense. N explains ‘अस्थिरप्रकृतौ चलस्वभावायां तरलतायां चञ्चलतायां सत्यां न स्थैर्यं स्थिरता'. परि...सङ्गः ( in youth ) there is strong attachment to vices that should be given up. व्यसन8 are said to be seven in the case of princes. ‘वाग्दण्डयोश्च पारुष्यमर्थदूषणमेव च। पानं स्त्री मृगया दूतं व्यसनानि महीपते॥ कामन्दकीयनीतिसार XIII. 61. The first three, वाक्पारुष्य ( harsh words ), दण्डपारुष्य ( severity in punishment) and अर्थदूषण (unjust Beizure of property or unjust withholding of what is due ), are said to be कोधज (due to anger ) व्यसन; and मृगया, अक्षाः (gambling ), पानं ( drink ing ) and स्त्री are said to be कामज (due to desires ). The मनुस्मृति ( chapter 7 verses 45–51 ) mentions many व्यसनऽ but says that the above seven are the most prominent. From धवलमपि• &c. up to आसङ्ग the author dvolt upon the विकारऽ of youth. In the next paragraph, the author speaks of the causes of the चिफार of youth. P. 49 1. 9–p. 50 1. 18. विकाराणां च..विधास्यामः सरसता. moisture (being full of रस . e. juice ); (2 ) being full of love or passion. जलप्रायं ( 1) full of water; (2) almost dull. जलप्राय may be looked upon as जडप्राय, in accordance with the remark above (p. 211) on अतीर्थं जलाशयाः (p. 46 1. 19 text ). वर्षातिवृद्धया एव (1) by the excess of rains (वर्ष rains ); (2) by the great number of years (वर्षाणाम् अतवृद्धया ). He means:-सरसता 19