पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३४७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

RADABAR 307 partially. सहसा प्रवृत्तेन that began to flow at once. मूच्छ..सिधन् Sprinkling her (with tears) as if to remove (अपनयनं ) the partly remaining Swoon. पार्श्व by her side. स्पर्श एव अमृतं तद्वर्षतीति. His touch was soothing to her like अमृत बाष्पगद्दम् with his voice choked with tears. अन्यादृश-चन्द्रापीडस्य if something strange ( e. some calamity) has befallen चन्द्रापीड. न जीव्यते एव we shall snrely not live. सकल ...गमेन by undergoing ( उपगमः ) distress which is common to all people . He means tlhat she who occupied so ex lted a place should not weep like ordinary people, but shond show more firmness and patience. तुच्छता Insignificance, worthless. €88. इयन्ति so many, so far. उपात्तानि it. taken i. e. performed. अधिकस्य-more (than what we have secured, viz. from bhe birth of चन्द्रापीड to his return after दिग्विजय ). भाजनम् recipieut, deserving person. अनुपात्तम् what we have not secured (by the store of meritb accumulated in past lives ). अनुपात्तं is the object of लभ्यते. Ar. अनुपात्तमिति पदस्य अनुपात्तशुभकर्मफलमित्यर्थः. अत्र = अस्मिन् जगति. आत्मेच्छया one's will or pleasnre. He means that what happiness a man. will secnre in this world depends upon his good deeds accnmulat ed in past lives and that he cannot seeure more than his due at his mere will. विधि...आस्ते there is some one called Fate in this world (who regulates what happiness a man is to becnre in this world according to his कमें in past lives ). At. ex plains ‘जडस्य कर्मणः कथं फलप्रदातृत्वशक्तिरिति चेत् कर्मफलयोजकः कश्चिद्वि धिर्नाम अस्ति । तथा च इत्थं प्रार्थयाम इति चेत् स तु कर्मणा विना केवला भ्यर्थनमात्रेण न ?) फलप्रदः नासौ..यत्तः (विधि) is not in the hands of any one ( ४. e. विधि acts independently ) . एवं..सर्वस्मिन् when thns everybody is in the hands of another (and not inde pendent ). पराधीना वृत्तिः यस्य, न किं...लब्धम् what indeed have : we not obtained (e. e. we have secured much happiness through onr good deeds done in previons lives ). संभावितः honoured, celebrated. उत्तानशयस्य when lying on his back (B. e. when he had not yet began to crawl). जानुसधारिणः moving on his knees crawling. धूसर dusty. कुलतः (geni. sin. of pr. p. of कुल 1 P ) rolling abou. T' reads ललतः ‘ललतः विलसतः। लल विलासे इति धातुः. अव्यक्त...जल्पितानि his prattle that was charming though indistinct. Compare शाकुन्तल VII ‘अव्यक्तवर्णरमणीयवचःप्रवृत्तीन्’ (तनयान् वहन्तो धन्याः ८c ); aud उत्तररामचरित IV ‘वदनकमलकं शिशोः स्मरामि स्खलदसमञ्ज समुग्धजल्पितं ते P. विचेष्टमानर स्य stirring about. वालचाटवः his endearing acts in childhood. गृहीता विचा येन स गृहीतविद्यःगुणवत्तया by the possession of good qualities. उपारूढं यौवनं यस्य अमानुषी snper human. शक्तिः prowess. दिग्विजयागतस्य when he rotnrned from the