पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३७०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

330, NOTES ON mentioned above ) ४. e. he means he remembered one and all. On कथं Ar explains कथं केन केन प्रकारेण स्मृतवानस्मीति । पित्रोर्वर्धनप्रकारेण उत वयस्येन सह क्रीडाप्रकारेण उत महाश्वेतायामनुरागप्रकारेण’ कस्य कस्य स्मृतवान् स्मृ when it means to remember with regret' generally takes the genitive of the object; compare for a similar use ‘न खलु स उपरतो यस्य वल्लभो जनः स्मरति ’ मालतीमाधव ’; ‘ नियतमिह सर्वात्मना कृतावस्थितिना भगवता-..धर्मेण न स्मर्यते कृतयुगस्य’ कादम्बरी p. 44 ( of P). महीतले निवेशितं शिरः येन.जाबालिं—object of व्यज्ञापयम्. निजा तलम् as if melting through the shame due to hearing (from जाबालि) of my own rash acts, as if entering पाताल ( through shame -This refers to the words of जाबालि, when he promised his pupils to tell them the story of the parrots life “नियतमयमष्या त्मनो जन्मान्तरोदन्तं स्वप्नोपलब्धमिव मयि कथयति सर्वमशेषतः स्मरिष्यति’ p. 47 ]] 9-10 of Petersons edition . आविर्भूतं शनं यस्य मूढतायां..पीडापि when I was ignorant (of my real state ), just as I had no re collection of them (my relatives in a former life), so also there was no pain due to separation (from them ). अधुना now { when through your favour I recollect the past). न च...चन्द्रापीडम् pand the sentence as न च तान् स्मृत्वाऽपि तथा (मे हृदयं स्फुटति) यथा चन्द्रापीडम् ( स्मृत्वा स्फुटति ). उपरति death. तस्यापिख्यानेन by teling me of his birth also ( ४. e. by telling ne where चन्द्रापीड is born again ). येन so that, तिर्यग्योनिवासः remaining in the state of a lower animal. सासूयमिव as if with impatience or reproof. असूयया सह यथा स्यात्तथा सासूयम् सनेह-.गर्भम् in a manner in which both anger and affection were mixed. Ar‘स्नेहः परिचयात् जातः, कोपः तदीयरागाभिनिवेशाज्जायते कथं...बश्नासि how do you persist in that very fickleness of heart. अथापि..भिद्यते even your wings have not yet come out, P. 102. सञ्चरणक्षम able to move about. प्रक्ष्यसि future of प्रच्छु. कामपरता being engrossed in lovebeing comple tely under the influence of love. यया...पारितम् on account of which it was not possible for him even to continue his life. This refers to the death of पुण्डरीक through the torment of love, reference to which is made also on p. 76 1. 21 in the words ‘कामापरा जीवितमुत्सृजता. ' दिव्य...भतस्य born in the celestial world. This refers to the birth of पुण्डरीक from लक्ष्मी and to his being son of श्वेतकेतु who was said to be दिव्यलोकनिवासी (p. 144 1. 7 of P), धाराभिः as if washing away the mud of ain by the streams of water in the form of the rays of his teeth, that(streams} were pure or white ). His teeth were white and therefore resembled सलिलधारा. Strems of water wash away mud (मल). Listening to the words of the holy 5age would wipe a way sin. (