पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३९८

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

358 NOTES ON of his face at once became pale. This is another सात्विकभाव (वैवर्ये). तद्धतु...भवत् his eyes, as if alarmed by hearing the twan. ging ( ध्वानःof the string (गुणः ) of his (cupid's ) bowhad third part of them contracted through the pangs of the hearb. हृदयस्य वेदनया आकूणितः ( a little contracted ) त्रिभागः (तृतीयो भागः ) यस्य When one suffers intense pain, one contracts one's eyes. So the king आद्रक contracted his eyes slightly through the to ment of love. One who is frightened by hearing a terrible noise shuts his eyes. K explains pत्रिभागं as three parts of which etc This s seems to us to be wrong. We should like to know in how many parts the eye was to be divided out of which three were contracted. Compare a similar expression in the पूर्वभाग 'मदनशरशल्यचेदनाकूणितत्रिभागेन' (p. 165 1. 15 of P ). अन्त- शोषमगात् his tender ( sprout-like ) lip became dry, and was quivering as if being overwhelmed with the smoko of of love that was about to blaza in his heart. Smoke indicates the existence of fire and hoats about with the wind. His lip was quivering and dry through the सन्ताप of lovo. The quivering lip resembles floating smoke. A thing becomes dry by heat. So the poet fancies that the quivering dry lip was as if over whelmed etc P. 114. तत्ताप.पतत् ताम्बूल (the preparation of betelleaves, hotel-nut, catechu and chunam ) fell from his mouth being tasteless (विरस ) on account of the heat (fever ) of love, as if it ( ताम्बूल) were his heart full of राग ( love; reduess) squeezed out (by cupid). Fever makes all things tastelcss. The fever of love caused im to throw out from his mouth the ताम्बल that was now tastaless. The ताम्बूल was red. So the poet fancies that it was his heart (which was सराग like ताम्बूल ) that was squezed by मदन and thrown out. आर्द्रस्य...स्वेदः per spiration came out of his limbs who was being burnt (by love) as if it were the exudation of wot (not dricd) wood that was being burntWhen wet fuel is burnt, some juice is exuded on its out-side. मदन...जायन्त his limbs became help less in that very moment ( ४. e. at once as if they were nailed completely over-powered ) by the arrows of cupid. कादम्बरी..यास्यमानस्य to him ( द्रक) who was being throubled by Cupid with reference to कादम्बरी. पुरस्कृत्य it. having placed in front ४. e. With regard to. तदवयव...भवन् %hings that, though (ordina rily) able to remove heat (love tornment ) , were conquered ( surpassed ) by the splendour of her (कादम्बरी's and form, ) imbs become useless to him (could effect nothing as regards him). The