पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/४१६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

36 MOTES ON आवरणाय. The western horizon became red in the evening. That redness is represented as its loveNight came to conceal from people the bashfulness that अपरसन्ध्यावधू might fool if her love (red hue) were observed by the world. Darkness prevents people from seeing objects. वासतेयी is derived from वसति in accordance with पथ्यतिथिवसतिस्वपतेर्ट पा० IV. 4. 104 (पथि साधु पाथेयम् । वसनं वसतिः तत्र आधुः वासतेयी रात्रिः । सि . कौ.) . ‘वसतिर्वासतेयी च इयाभा रात्रिश्च कथ्यते इति हलायुधः' 'T. चन्द्रोदयेन अभिरामं मनोहरम् . भरेण in full vigou in full force. चिराभिलषितम् -this and the following accusatives qualify कादम्बरी..सुखम् (1. 10 ) उन्मीलितं नयनकुवलयं यस्मिन् in which her (blue ) lotus-like eyes would be opened. उत्स्रस्ता (loosened ) नीवी (the ends of the cloth worn round a woman's waist tied into a knot in front) तस्यां प्रसृतः हस्तः तस्य निवारणे अनुबन्धः ( persis. tent effort ) यस्मिन् अनुभूतं प्रत्यालिङ्गनसुखं यस्मिन् ने अभिप्रार्थितस्य मुरतस्य समाप्तिः तया त्रपा तेन सुभगम् ( मनोहरम् ). एक...स्थित्वा remaining there for ten days (lit. nights ) as if they were only one day. The 12-४ meaning is that time flew so quickly . दशरात्रदशानां रात्रीणां समाहारः दशरात्रम्. रात्रि becomes रात्र when preceded by अहः word expressive of a partसंख्यात and पुण्य. ‘अहःसर्वेकदेशसंख्यातपुण्याच्च रात्रे’ पा. V. 4. 87. According to <रात्रातृहाः पुंसि” पा. II. 4. 29 com pounds ending in रात्र, अझ and अह are masculine, but when रात्र is preceded by a numeral it is neuter. So दशरात्रम् is neuter . P. 120 . 13-25 आगत्य च..गच्छन् सम--लेशम् who expe rienced trouble at the same time with him ४. e. as long as he (चन्द्रापीड) was sufferingbhey also suffered. आत्मसमं कृत्वा having made bhem like himself ४. e. having raised them to his own position ( as independent kings ). समा...पुण्डरीके placing the re. sponsibility of his kingdom on पुण्डरीक. परि ...चरन् attending upon the feet of his parents that had given up all their ( worldly ) affairs. परित्यक्तं सर्वं स्वकार्यं (सांसारिककृत्यं ) याभ्याम् । अत्यद्भुतेन उत्फुले नयने यस्य स अत्य..नयनः नैगमजनः तेन अवलोकितः observed by the merchants (४. e. bhe citizens) whose eyes were dilated through the great wonder (of the moon being born as their prince १- ‘वैदेहकः सार्थवाहो नैगमो वाणिजो वणिक्' इत्यमरः.. ‘निगमे आपणे भवः नैगमः जन्म..उज्जयिन्याम्-चन्द्रापी ड was born in उज्जयिनी and so he felt affection for the place. अवलोकितः and the following nominatives qualify चन्द्रमाः (1, 22) गन्धर्व..गौरवेण out of his respect for the king of गन्धर्वs (४i. चित्ररथ whose daughter कादम्वरीं was). अनुपमः रमणीयतमः महिमा यस्य ( acy. of हेमकूटे ). अमृतस्य परिमलः तेन अधिवासः (application of perfume ) तेन सुरभिः शिशिरश्च सर्वप्रदेशः तेन हारिणि मनोहरे The moon is said to be full of necta1. Note