पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/४२९

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 389 had happened, Meghanada informed Kadambarf that mes. sengers had come from the parents of Chandrीpa and wanted to see the body of the prince. Kadambar sent back with them Tvaritaka, a follower of the prince, who would bear personal testimony as to what had happened. Vilasavats, anxions for her son's safe return, had been to the temple of the A[atgis and saw the messengers comingWhen they said that they had seen the prince and that varitake Yould tell the rest, she fainted. Tarpda came to the spot and called upon varitaka to tell his tale. But when he came to speak of the bursting of Chandrapita's heart, the king would hear no more and ordered the funeral pyre to be prepared. When 'Tvaritaka loudly called out and told the whole tale, the king turned to S'ukanasa, who forgetting his grief for his son Vaisampayana, comforted him. The king resolved to go where his son's body was and set out followed by all his people save a few left to guard the city. When he reached the lake, he saw Meghanीda coming who assured him that the prince's body grew more beautiful day by day. The king came on to Malbasveta's cave. Kadambar swooned as she saw the parents of Chandrapida entering. When Vilasavati saw her son beaming with a strange radiance, she pressed the senseless form of her son and uttered loud lament. Tarapida comforted her saying that Chandrapida was something more than the son they loved and asked Vilasavati to look to Kadambar who was in a swoon. When Kadambar came to herself, she saluted the king and queen. Then Tarapf¢a withdrew from the cave and without entering his royal camp built for himself a hermitage, where with his queen, Sukanasa and Manoramठी e remained awaiting the conclusion of the strange chain of events End of Jabali's tale to his pupils. When Jabali had told so much, he said with a smile I have been led further than I meant. You have seen how he who by his own misconduct, became Vaisapayana, son of S'ukanasa, has now become the parrot. As the sage spokeI (parrot ) became Vaisampayana in everything including my love for Malhasveta, except a human form. I, rash as ever, asked the sage where Chandrapf¢a was when the sage frowned and told me to wait till my wings grew. Harfta asked his father to explain how one who was