
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

292 GANITABABASANGRAHA. पर City ... 3 Three citios representing three Aura are said in the Purबpas to have caused great havoo to the gods, and Siva is said to have destroyed them.Cy. त्रिपुरान्तक. पुष्करे ... Blephant 8 Vide इर्भ. The moon 1 76de इन्दु . बन्ध ... Bondage ..4 The Jainas recognize four kinds of spiritual bondoge, viz, प्रकृति, स्थिति, अनुभाव and प्रदेश बण Arrow Yide इषु. A constellation 2 he Hindu astronomera count 2 chief | atellar constellations or lunar man sions around the ecliptic. Fear ... Elements ... 5 Five elements are recognized, viz. , पृथिवी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु, आकाश भास्कर The sun 12 7de इन. ... The world ... 3 The number of worlds ordinarily connted are bhree, vic., the upper, the lower and the middle worlds. Element ...5 76be भाव. Mountain Fide अचल. ... Passion में 76de अचल. महीध्र ... Mountain मातृका A goddess Generally seven of these goddesses are enumerated. ... A seven chief sages are usually mentioned : sage they are, क२यप, अत्रि, भरद्वाज विश्वामित्र, गौतम, जमदग्नि, वसिष्ठ. The moon ••• 13 Vide इन्दु ... A name of Siva or 11 It is held that there are eleven Rudras. Rudra. sage va० मार्न. रजनीकर .. The moon vae इन्दु